What is the largest city in the northeast?
New York
Name one of the Great Lakes in this region.
Huron, Michigan, Superior
What is a popular crop grown in the south?
Cotton, rice, sugar, tobacco, peanuts
What is one of the Great Lakes in this region?
Lake Eerie or Lake Ontario
What is the name of the rock formation where 4 presidents are carved?
Mt. Rushmore
What weather phenomenon affects the southeast region?
What is the major mountain range in this region?
The Appalachians
What is the largest city in the midwest?
What is the name of the book that changed people's opinions about slavery, written by Harriet Beacher Stowe?
Uncle Tom's Cabin
What is it called when people go to the northeast to enjoy the autumn color?
Leaf Peeping
What is the major river that runs through this region?
Mississippi River
Southerners are particularly warm, sweet, and welcoming to visitors to their homes, or to the South in general. What is this called?
Southern Hospitality
Which state is rich in American history? It's also the state where Plymouth Rock is located.
What weather phenomenon is the midwest known for?
Who was known as the "angel of the battlefield" during the Civil War?
Clara Barton