Literary Form/Technique
Personal Connections

What was Binti's motive to be the Meduse's speaker?

Example answer: 

To be useful and create a reason for the Meduse to not kill her.


What was a point in history when two groups had a misunderstanding that resulted in violence?

Any answer is good :)


What are some examples of how the author showed that Binti was different from everyone else?

Example answer:

She was the only person who survived the attack.


How would you try to understand someone who spoke a different language?

Example answer:

Take classes to attempt to learn more of the different language.


Have you ever had a misunderstanding with someone? Why?

Example answer:

my friend asked for a pencil and I gave him a pen and he got mad :(


What can we assume made Binti's eden grow/activate?

Example answer:

Her want to survive the attack triggered something in the eden to protect her.


What was an example of another story where there is a talisman that helps the main character? Similar to Binti's eden.

Example answers:

The Ring in Lord of the Rings, Percy Jackson's pen sword, etc....


Binti uses the edan the communicate with the Meduse, and it is the only thing that she can use to talk to them. What do you think the author is trying to say about technology and its importance in communication today.

Any answer acceptable


At this point in the book, Binti has been stuck in her room for 72 hours, and she was out of food and water and had no escape. If you were in this situation, what would you do to survive?

Example answer:

Eat my pillows


When was a time that you felt you had to hide from people?

Example answer:

Hide and seek


Why did the Meduse think Binti was evil when they initially came in contact with her?

Example answer:

Her eden was unknown to the Meduse and could injure/protect Binti so it appeared to be a threat.


Binti realized that the otjize had a healing component towards the Meduse. Is there anything that you can think of that is part of a particular culture that has been adopted by other cultures?

Example answer:

The spread of sushi throughout the world, originally being a traditional Japanese dish.


Otjize, the clay mixture from Earth, is mentioned and used often in the story, and its importance seems somewhat out of place in a sci-fi story since it isn’t technology. Why does the author choose to make earth and Binti’s connection to home so important in a story where the main character chooses to leave the Earth?

Example answer: 

The author uses Bintis home and where she came from as one way to show how she is different or set apart from the other passengers or the Meduse.


Okwu discovers that Binti’s otjize has healed his stinger. How would you react if you were forced to help a person who had just murdered everyone around you. Why?

Example answer:

I would do what they say they are dangerous