A reptile that typically has a long body and tail, four legs, movable eyelids, and a rough, scaly, or spiny skin.
A part at the back of an animal’s body that can move
Esta colina es tan alta como esa
Él es el mejor actor de España
He is the best actor in Spain
The football pitch is in Oxford Street.
Where is the football pitch?
An animal with a shell and four short legs that lives on the land, in the ocean, or in rivers and lakes. The animal that lives on the land is usually called a tortoise
The hard curved or pointed part of a bird’s mouth
Los chimpanzés son más divertidos que los gorilas
Chimpanzees are funnier than gorillas
Es el animal más feo del zoo
It is the ugliest animal in the zoo
There are five people in a team
How many people are there in a team?
Predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin; common in cold seas
The foot of some animals such as cats, dogs, and bears
Un guepardo es más rápido que un tigre
A cheetah is faster than a tiger
Este es el peor restaurante de la ciudad
This is the worst restaurant in the city
You need a swimming cap, googles and fins
What equipment do I need?
It is around three metres long and it weighs around 400 kilos. It isn´t dangerous. It only eats plants. Some people call this animal a sea cow
The sharp curved part at the end of some animals’ toes, for example a cat
Mi casa adosada es más normal que la tuya.
(Don´t use "normal")
My detached house is more ordinary than yours
El mosquito es el animal más peligroso del mundo
The mosquito is the most dangerous animal in the world
The ticket costs two euros
How much does the ticket cost?
How much is the ticket?
A small furry Australian animal with a flat beak like a duck and webbed feet for swimming
One of the long pointed teeth that some animals have, for example snakes, dogs, and tigers
El Amazonas es el río mas ancho del mundo
The Amazon is the widest river in the world
Lombard Street es la calle más sinuosa de San Francisco
Lombard Street is the most winding street in San Francisco
At platform 9 3/4
Where is the train to Hogwarts?
Where does the train to Hogwarts stop?