Estimation of population size and rates of population growth. Analyzed data and made observations regarding common causes of death
John Graunt - Bills of Mortality
Affected women three days after childbirth with several abdominal pain and fever.
Childbed fever
Occurred during World War I and promotion of good personal hygiene and quarantined were used as solutions
Spanish Flu
This disease is very contagious and can be spread through the air. Currently another outbreak of this disease is occurring.
Second Measles outbreak
Infants are the most vulnerable. Family needs to be vaccinated
Whooping cough
Caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis and causes flu-like symptoms. Happened between 1347 to late 1700s.
Bubonic plague
Father of public health
John Snow
The person who spread the disease was a cook and was put in quarantine for 26 years
Typhoid "Mary"
Contaminated water in Milwaukee
Preventable and causes rash and fever. Lack of vaccination
Low level of Vitamin C and happened in 1754
Causes a swelling of mucous membranes and William H. Park launched a massive program
Diphtheria Epidemic
Carried out one of the first controlled clinical trials recorded
James Lind
A very long going epidemic. It causes paralysis and the way they handled the disease back then was banning children from the movies.
Sanitary engineer in New York
George Sober