Preg. Women
War on Drugs

Immigrant women, particularly Latina women, are subject to this stereotype stating that they have children in order to establish immigration status

What are anchor babies?


What do police actions demonstrate about how they view mothers of color?

What is "devaluation?"


A study of arrests of pregnant women between 1973 and 2005 found that police targeted low-income women overwhelmingly and a disproportionate amount of these women were women of color. What is the ratio of cases where no evidence of harm to the fetus or child was found?

What is 2/3?


What were many of the mothers doing when their children were taken?

What is "going to job interviews and trying to improve their lives"?


True or false: Police tend to target mothers of color.

What is "true"?


This stereotype is applied to Black women and argues that they have more children in order to receive more welfare benefits

What is the welfare queen?


How does Ritchie describe police brutality against pregnant women?

What is a "gender-specific form of race-based police brutality?"


This controversial law in Wisconsin, passed in 1998, permitted the state to incarcerate pregnant women who were merely accused of using alcohol and/or drugs and force them into treatment.

What is the "Cocaine Mom Law?"


True or false: "Women of color are more likely than white women to be monitored and supervised by the state and more likely to experience state control over their bodies and their children."

What is "true?"


Who gets accused of being "uncaring mothers who abandon or kill their own children?"

What is the "Asian mother stereotype"?


This stereotype, related to the War on Drugs, assumes that Black children are born fundamentally flawed or violent because of the mother.

What are crack babies?


What is the main result of police brutality against pregnant women that Ritchie focuses on?

What is "miscarriages?" 


This tactic in the War on Drugs is used against black mothers to punish black reproduction.

What are delivery room arrests?


What is the theory that "arresting mothers on minor neglect charges...will prevent more serious cases of abuse"?

What is "quality of life policing"?


What is the name of chapter 8?

What is "Policing Motherhood?"


To justify separating Black children from their parents and selling them under slavery, slave owners perpetuated this stereotype about Black women

What is promiscuous?


How are policemen punished for these actions?

What is "there is a lack of accountability and they are often not punished at all"?


Pregnant indigenous women are frequently arrested on the pretext of protecting the child from the supposed drug and/or alcohol use of the mother, but this exposes the mother to increased risk of miscarriage. What is the ratio of pregnant women in prison who miscarry?

What is 1/3?


What is the "no-win situation that black mothers often find themselves in?" (180)

What is "many mothers have been arrested for taking steps to improve their children's education and lives"?


What is the go to weapon used by police as an alternative of deadly force?

What is "taser"?


Violence against pregnant women of color is often justified by accusing the mothers of this.

What is drug use?


How are miscarriages caused by police brutality framed?

What is "they are met with indifference at best and framed as the mother's fault at worst"?


This state had a controversial program, later struck down by the Supreme Court, in which expectant women of color were arrested based on data given to police by health care providers without the knowledge or consent of the women involved.

What is South Carolina?


Why is this an example of institutional discrimination?

What is "there is a lack of privacy and Black women are more likely to face these situations than White women"?


What is the term for "the assumption that Black mothers give birth solely to increase the size of her check"?

What is a "welfare mother"?