What was the main reason that early civilizations emerged in river valleys?

What was the main reason that early civilizations emerged in river valleys?

 A. The water provided fish and gold for trade. 

B. They were easily defended against invaders. 

C. They provided plentiful water and fertile soil for crops. 

D. The water protected people from harsh weather conditions.


“If a man destroy the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye. If one break a man’s bone, they shall break his bone.” 

Which statement best summarizes the underlying principle of justice for this law? 

“If a man destroy the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye. If one break a man’s bone, they shall break his bone.” 

Hammurabi’s Code 

Which statement best summarizes the underlying principle of justice for this law?

A. Forgiving the actions of criminals and showing mercy to them is the best way to provide justice. 

B. Punishing people who do wrong with the same action they did to others is a fair practice. 

C. Reacting in a peaceful way to insulting behavior ensures considerate behavior in society. 

D. Having and enforcing strict laws does not prevent people from treating others poorly


How were the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Indians reflected in their social order?

How were the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Indians reflected in their social order? 

A. There was only one king to represent their religious belief in one god. 

B. There was a rigid system of classes with nobles and priests near the top. 

C. All people were equal because they were created in the image of the gods. 

D. Any person could rise to the highest levels of society through religious devotion.


What was the purpose of the Varna system in ancient India?

What was the purpose of the Varna system in ancient India? 

A. to encourage people to work in order to move to another class 

B. to allow only certain members of the upper class to read religious texts 

C. to gain spiritual enlightenment and end the constant cycle of birth and rebirth 

D. to create a well-functioning society based on people’s personalities and natural talents 


How did Sanskrit literature influence the development of ancient India?

How did Sanskrit literature influence the development of ancient India? 

A. It offered guidance on rituals and encouraged social roles that increased personal dharma. 

B. It admired commerce, which resulted in bankers being near the top of the social pyramid. 

C. It influenced the building of universities and helped Indians develop a common alphabet. 

D. It provided entertaining stories for Indians to embrace and teach to their children.


What was the most important effect of periodic flooding on the start of early civilizations?

What was the most important effect of periodic flooding on the start of early civilizations? 

A. Travel became much easier and large trading cities were built along the river banks. 

B. Large mineral deposits exposed by the floods were used to make tools and weapons. 

C. Sediment deposited on the banks of the rivers made the soil rich and led to the development of agriculture. 

D. Stones from nearby quarries were transported down the flooded rivers and used to build temples and monuments.


Why do civilizations need to develop laws and government?

Which statement best describes why civilizations need to develop laws and government? 

A. There is always a ruler who rises to the top. 

B. A government system provides protection for the farmers. 

C. It is necessary to provide a system of checks and balances for the citizens. 

D. A uniform code of behavior and an administration are necessary to keep order.


Explain what this proverb means

Which statement best reflects the teachings of these proverbs? 

A. Evil comes from seeking knowledge. 

B. Fear of God is the opposite of wisdom. 

C. To have respect for God is to have wisdom. 

D. One should have faith instead of knowledge.


Why would Buddhists most likely agree with this quote? 

Why would Buddhists most likely agree with this quote? 

A. They think the soul as temporary. 

B. They think each person has many souls. 

C. They think each soul belongs to many people. 

D. They think that a person is reborn many times. 


What was the main effect of Greek people staying behind in lands conquered by Alexander the Great?

What was the main effect of Greek people staying behind in lands conquered by Alexander the Great? 

A. New technologies were created from the exchange of ideas. 

B. Resources were overused which led to widespread famine. 

C. Tension between the leaders led to civil war in the empire. 

D. A new culture emerged out of a blend of many cultures.


Many settlements of the Indus civilization arose on the banks of the Ghaggar-Hakra River. Scientists believe that this river dried up during the time of the Indus civilization. 

How would the disappearance of this river most likely have affected the Indus civilization?

Many settlements of the Indus civilization arose on the banks of the Ghaggar-Hakra River. Scientists believe that this river dried up during the time of the Indus civilization. 

How would the disappearance of this river most likely have affected the Indus civilization? 

A. There would have been an increase in food production since the dried river bed could be used for farming. 

B. There would have been a decrease in food production since the river was essential for keeping crops healthy. 

C. It would have been more difficult to defend the settlements against invaders without the river to transport troops. 

D. It would have been easier for the settlements to expand their borders because they could build in the dried river bed.


Why is Hinduism sometimes described as both monotheistic and polytheistic?

Which statement best describes why Hinduism is sometimes described as both monotheistic and polytheistic? 

A. Individual Hindus are considered gods and together they form the Brahman spirit. 

B. Hindus believe in a single divinity that can be represented in many different forms. 

C. Ancient Indian Hindus believed in one god, but modern Hindus believe in many gods. 

D. Hindus in southern India believe in one god but those in northern India believe in many gods.


According to the inscription, why does the Pharaoh have the right to lead? 

Which statement about pharaohs is best supported by the inscription? 

A. They were believed to have a divine right to rule. 

B. They owned all of the land in Egypt and made laws. 

C. They were responsible for defending Egypt from invasions. 

D. They lived in large palaces to show their wealth and power


The town of Sandwich, Massachusetts holds town meetings once a year to elect town officers and to discuss important business matters. All of the town’s important decisions are voted on by its citizens. 

Which ancient society had a government most similar to this modern example?

The town of Sandwich, Massachusetts holds town meetings once a year to elect town officers and to discuss important business matters. All of the town’s important decisions are voted on by its citizens. 

Which ancient society had a government most similar to this modern example?

A. Athens during the time of Pericles 

B. Egypt during the reign of Tutankhamun 

C. China during the time of the Zhou Dynasty 

D. Rome during the reign of Augustus Caesar


Which early Christian belief is described in this excerpt? 

Which early Christian belief is described in this excerpt?

A. Moses and Jesus were both kings. 

B. Jesus led people to freedom like Moses. 

C. Jesus came to complete the work of Moses. 

D. The coming of Jesus had been foretold by Moses.



Describe the importance of the area surrounded in red.

Which statement best explains why the Indus Valley was an ideal place for ancient settlers? 

A. The plateau offered a vast area of pasture where livestock would graze. 

B. The mountains provided a rich source of food and shelter for the people. 

C. The desert served as an expansive natural defense against foreign invaders. 

D. The river carried water from the mountains and deposited sediment for farming.


In ancient Athens, when tyrants seized control of the government they would often forgive the debts of the poor, extend loans to farmers, and build great public works. 

What was the main reason why they did this? 

In ancient Athens, when tyrants seized control of the government they would often forgive the debts of the poor, extend loans to farmers, and build great public works. 

What was the main reason why they did this? 

A. They needed to gain the support of noble Athenian families. 

B. They wanted to ensure that they would win in a popular election. 

C. They maintained power by cultivating the goodwill of the masses. 

D. They were patriotic Athenians who wanted to bring glory to the city.


What is the most significant way ancient Egyptian life was influenced by religion?

What is the most significant way ancient Egyptian life was influenced by religion? 

A. Egyptians celebrated individual gods in ceremonies and built temples to them. 

B. Citizens had to pray multiple times a day to the sun god or face harsh punishments. 

C. The political and religious leadership was divided between the pharaoh and priests. 

D. Egyptians viewed the Nile as a dangerous and destructive god who destroyed crops.


Which conclusion about the Athenians best explains this quote by Pericles? What type of government were they and what did they transition to and why?

Which conclusion about the Athenians best explains this quote by Pericles? 

A. They developed a democracy to create an equal society without laws or rulers. 

B. They transitioned to a democracy to bring rights and protection to more people. 

C. They transitioned from a democracy to an oligarchy to bring laws and justice to society. 

D. They developed an oligarchy to replace a constitution which gave too much power to the rulers. 


Which Christian belief is best reflected in this excerpt? 

Which Christian belief is best reflected in this excerpt? 

A. Faith will lead to salvation. 

B. To follow the law is to follow Jesus. 

C. To help those in need is to help Jesus. 

D. Faith will provide the necessities of life. 


Explain two specific ways that the Huang He River supported the growth of early Chinese civilization.

Fertile land; Fresh soil


Which aspect of the government of the Roman Republic is most emphasized in this passage? 

Which aspect of the government of the Roman Republic is most emphasized in this passage? 

A. rule of law by the consuls to maintain order 

B. representative government in the legislative division 

C. civic duty of the people to encourage government participation 

D. separation of powers between different branches of government 


Which conclusion about the social structure of ancient India is best supported by this excerpt?

Which conclusion about the social structure of ancient India is best supported by this excerpt? 

A. Warriors are viewed as powerful leaders who provide justice for others. 

B. Priests must learn the jobs of others to make society function effectively. 

C. Individuals are considered equal if they complete their share of the work. 

D. People should fulfill their own duties which are aligned to their natural skills.


What is the main idea about the rule of Alexander the Great is best reflected in this excerpt? 

Which statement about the rule of Alexander the Great is best reflected in this excerpt? 

A. He wanted to blend the cultures of the peoples he conquered. 

B. He wanted to solidify his power through fear and military might. 

C. He wanted to show his loyalty by putting the Macedonians in power. 

D. He wanted to replace other cultures in his empire with Persian culture. 


How did the Han rulers change the way people were found for government jobs?

How did the Han rulers change the way people were found for government jobs? 

A. They created an application process that ignored family connections or wealth. 

B. They created a structure that used the highest social class or most noble people. 

C. They created a system of tests to find the best-educated and most ethical people. 

D. They created an election system which selected officials based on their reputations.



Which conclusion about the Shang dynasty is best supported by these images?  

A. It was a nomadic civilization without permanent settlements. 

B. It had a religious culture which featured a belief in the afterlife. 

C. It had a Confucian government which focused on respect for elders. 

D. It was a Daoist society where people formed connections with nature. 

It had a religious culture which featured a belief in the afterlife. 


What is the main reason that the Republic lost its ability to administer affairs of Rome?  

What is the main reason that the Republic lost its ability to administer affairs of Rome? 

A. Soldiers were less loyal to the Republic than they were to their generals. 

B. The Italian rebellion resulted in the overthrow of Sulla as dictator in Rome. 

C. The Roman army lost strength and power so people lost respect for the government. 

D. A civil war erupted when the government began drafting peasants into military service. 


Create a statement about enlightenment with this excerpt. 

Which statement about enlightenment is best supported by this excerpt? 

A. Achieving enlightenment allows people to continue the cycle of death and rebirth forever. 

B. Even the best-behaved people will be reborn many times before achieving enlightenment. 

C. By demonstrating morality and good behavior, people can achieve enlightenment in one life. 

D. The cycle of death and rebirth moves people closer to enlightenment regardless of their behavior.


A. Citizens have a duty to the state to take an active interest in politics. 

B. Leaders are able to do their work better when people stay out of politics. 

C. Only the well-educated citizens should be active in political decision making. 

D. It is the choice of the individual to decide whether or not to take interest in politics.


Which statement would most likely be believed by a follower of Confucianism?

Which statement would most likely be believed by a follower of Confucianism? 

A. Respect of elders should be the basis of social order. 

B. Social order is enforced through harsh punishment from elders. 

C. Social order within the family is maintained by a powerful government. 

D. The relationship between nature and family is important to social order.