Exploration/Colonization/American Revolution
Early Republic
Sectionalism/Civil War/Reconstruction

Spanish Colonists were known for establishing Catholic Missions in the Americas, and the French colonists focused on this.

What was the French focused on Fur Trading?


A portion of the slave population counted for legislative representation.

What was the Three-Fifths Compromise? 


Alexander Hamilton's plan to improve the U.S. economy was mainly focused on this one action.

What was the establishment of a national bank?


The question of whether a state can overturn a federal law was addressed by this event.

What was the 1832 Nullification Crisis?


The potential for new markets, an abundance of inexpensive farmland, and the discovery of gold were the economic motives for this philosophy.

What was Manifest Destiny?


This was the first colonial assembly of elected representatives.

What was the Virginia House of Burgesses?


In the debate over ratification of the U.S. Constitution, this group would have argued "the existing national government doesn't have the power to perform essential functions."

Who were the Federalists?


George Washington defined the domestic authority of the central government by eliminating this domestic problem during his presidency.

What was the Whiskey Rebellion?


The primary reason why many Chinese immigrants came to the United States in the 1850s.

What was to find Gold?


The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo led to the acquisition of this territory.

What was the Mexican Cession?


The profitability of this encouraged the growth of the Colonial Transatlantic Trade.

What was cash-crop agriculture?


This principle states that the legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch enforces laws, and the judicial branch interprets laws.

What is separation of powers?


The development of the nation's first political parties in the 1790s formed over differences between these two men.

Who were Alexander Hamilton (Federalists) and Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republicans)?


This invention helped increase the profitability of slavery.

What was the Cotton Gin?


The Union victory here completed the Anaconda Plan and divided the Confederate territory in half.

What was the Battle of Vicksburg?


The reason the British Parliament passed the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Acts.

What was to recover the cost of defending the colonies and/or pay for war debts from the French and Indian War?


George Mason, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were members of this group when it came to the decision to ratify the Constitution.

Who were the Anti-Federalists?


This speech warned of the U.S. becoming involved in the political affairs of other countries and potential for political parties to divide the country in half.

What was Washington's Farewell Address?


This invention from Samuel Morse helped increase the long-distance transmission of information.

What was the telegraph?


They provided food, shelter, clothing and established schools in the South during Reconstruction.

What was the Freedmen's Bureau?


Considered the turning point of the Revolutionary War, an American victory convinced France to ally with the United States.

What was the Battle of Saratoga?


Requiring individuals to attend religious services is a violation of this amendment.

What is the 1st Amendment? (Freedom of Religion)


This law established a process for territories to enter the Union as states and banned slavery from taking place in these new states.

What was the Northwest Ordinance?


The goal of organizations such as the Daughters of Temperance and the Women's Christian Temperance Union.

What was to decrease the consumption of alcohol?


Poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses were put in place to weaken the effects of this amendment.

What was the 15th Amendment?