Word skill
Use of English

collect     draw        hang out      make      text    use

1. My worst subject at school is  art because I really can't ___________.

2. All of my friend ________ social media several times a day.

1. draw

2. use 


Present perfect simple or continuous

1. How long _______ (your sister/play) the drums?

2. We _______ (walk) for ages. I think we're lost.

1. Has your sister been playing

2. have been walking.


[Agree    choice    like    overall     prefer to     settled]

1. In general, the first activity would be better.

2. I'd rather go climbing than kayaking.

1. overall

2. prefer to


1. Mason's parents are divorced, so he and his sister are __________ up by their mother. (bring)

2. The children don't like him because they ______ used to his strict discipline. (aren't/ didn't/ don't)

1. brought

2. aren't


Sports and Activities

1. An activity where people sleep outside in a tent.

2. a sport activity where people ride a bike.

1. go camping

2. go cycling


[Used to]

A: ____________(you/watch) a lot of cartoons when you were a child?

B: No, I _______( not watch) much television.

I _________ (play) outside with my friends.

A: Did you use to watch

B: Didn't use to watch

     used to play


[Phrasal verbs]

1. Connor didn't fulfill his parents' expectations and failed to get a place in university.

2. After her father abandoned his job, the family moved house.

1. live up to

2. walk out on


1. Oliver has been collecting coins for years.

a. He doesn't collect coins anymore.

b. He started collection coins for ten years.

c. He's still collecting coins.

1. c


1. My uncle used to _________ stamps. He's got hundred of them.

2. Hannah is very good at sewing, so she is able to _________ her own clothes.

1. collect

2. make


Used to or get used to

1. My sister ________ cry a lot when she was a baby.

2. I'll never ____________ wearing contact lenses. To be honest, I prefer my glasses

1. used to

2. get used to


Use the correct form of the verbs

1. The room was full, so he needed to take a deep breath before he __________ (go in/ go in for)

2. The starter wasn't very tasty, but the main course _____________ it. (make up/ make up for)

1. went in

2. made up for.


1. My parents have gone to work.

a. They aren't at home right now.

b. They've been at home for ages.

c. They've just arrived home.

1. a


sports and Activities

1. An activity where people dance with a partner using steps and movements.

2. A sport where 2 teams hit a ball over a high net with their hands

1. ballroom dancing

2. volleyball



Fauja Singh used to take part in amateur races when he was younger, but he _________(not start) running marathons until he was in his eighties. He _______ (not run) a race since 1947. He ______(join) his local running club at the age of 84.

didn't start

hasn't run



[Compound nouns]

1. Do you have to be a member of the club to play on their golf ___________ ?

2. The match has been cancelled because the football _________ is flooded.

1. course

2. pitch


1. It's 5 years since I last went skateboarding. 

--> I ______________________ for 5 years

2. They've study Japanese for 6 months.

--> They started _________________ _____

1. I haven't gone skateboarding for 5 years

2. they started studying Japanese 6 months ago.