When was the first Concorde fly?
March 2, 1969
What are brake fans?
Fans that disapate heat from the amount of braking on the Concorde.
What is the APU?
The APU is a power unit that provides power to the aircraft.
What does Concorde mean?
Harmony, union, or agreement.
What are afterburners?
Component that increases thrust.
What is the GPU?
The GPU is a ground power unit that provides power.
When did construction begin on the Concorde?
What is Mach?
Unit for measuring speed.
What are airbrakes and flaps?
There was 74 Concordes ready for order, but then it dropped to 20 orders. Why?
A Concorde crashed in 1973 at the Paris Airshow.
The Concorde had airleons and elevators, but what were they called when they are mashed together?
At idle thrust, why did the pilots apply brake pressure?
The Concorde's engines had so much thrust that even that idle thrust, it will drift of.
Which airplane had a major impact design on the Concorde?
What were the engine names?
Rolls Royce Olympus 593
What did the Concorde use to slow down and how?
The Concorde pitched up to 11 degrees which put the delta wings face the Concorde's trajectory. This creates a lot of drag.