Dorm room, Library , Starbucks
What are the ideal places to study
Saint Aquinas calls this sin, the Sin against the Sabbath
Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation
Sacraments of Initiation
Covered 23.9 carats of gold leaf
Golden Dome
September 20, 2000
"I didn't know it was due today"
What is the lamest excuse to give a professor?
The disordered and excessive desire to control places or things.
The Sacrament that is referred to by 3 different names.
120 Credit Hours
Chick Fil A's greatest sandwich
Spicy Chicken Deluxe Sandwich
Call your mom, email, text friends from home
What are ways to avoid being homesick
Ethical Relativism that denies that there are any objective moral norms.
Water, Oil, Candle, and White garments.
Symbols of Baptism
Number of Heinemann Trophy winners
Graduating seniors full name
Sergio Cristobal Morales
Wash full loads of laundry, eat on campus, shop at the dollar store, make your coffee at your room.
What are ways to stretch your dollar and avoid debt
Respecting oneself or others for the wrong reasons.
Sacraments that are considered vocational or a ministry
Marriage and/or Holy Orders
Famous movie about Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football
Graduating Senior's Intended Career Field
Electrical Engineering
Daily Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Daily Mass, and Adoration.
The preoccupation with our bodies at the cost of our soul
John 6:22-59
The Bread of Life Discourse
1,425.3 Miles
Distance between Los Lunas and Notre Dame
Graduating Seniors Favorite Soccer Player
Lionel Messi