
What does "CANI Loop" mean? 

Constant and Never-Ending Improvement


What numerical tool do we use to educate patients on how we are going to measure their gum health? 

Perio charting


4 DiSC Personality Types - What are they? 

D- Dominant

This is a strong personality who desires authority, control, prestige, and immediate results. This person

wants to know “WHEN” the task will be complete. A dominant personality will be protective of their

personal space, i.e. not receptive to physical contact from people they do not know well. The D

individual is very task oriented and will compromise 10-15% of your patient population.


This is an extroverted personality who desires popularity, social recognition, and freedom of expression.

This person needs an environment which is fun and, in which they feel accepted. An influencing

personality is demonstrative and enjoys personal contact – a pat on the shoulder or touch on the arm.

They are people oriented and will make up 10-15% of your patient population.


This is a passive personality who desires comfort, acceptance, and a non-threatening environment. This

person wants to know “why” a procedure needs to be done. A steadiness personality type will be

responsive to personal attention. Yet, will not respond well to unexpected surprises or quick changes.

These people oriented individuals account for 60% of your patient population.


This is an inquisitive personality who desires detailed information, explanations and tried and true

methods of treatment. This person wants to know “how” a procedure will be done and what to expect

at each step. The cautious personality tends to value their personal space. These task oriented people

will comprise 10-15% of the practice.


Establish BLT - What is it? 


When someone likes you, they want to believe you. When they like you and believe you, they

will trust you. When BLT is established correctly with the right type of patient, there are very

few patient objections to treatment.

BLT does not mean you’re everyone’s buddy. However, if there is BLT established, there is

respect. This is true for patients with the office, team members with the doctor, and personally

at home as well. This is a very powerful concept and is essential in leadership.


Our Vision Statement

To be a world class company and the leader in dentistry


What is DBM and ET? 

Dominant Buying Motive

This is what the patient’s “hot button” is. It is the reason they would invest in dental treatment,

whether it’s avoiding pain, looking better, being treated well, etc. This is closely linked with whatever

reason brought them to your practice. We want to “wrap” other treatment needs in the patient’s DBM

(if pain brought them in, speak to avoidance of pain by having other treatment needs taken care of, etc.)

Emotional Treasure - A level deeper than DBM. DBM is the “surface” reason that brought them to

the office. ET is what they desire and possibly never thought they could have, their fears and

disappointments, what kept them away, what they want to avoid, or what holds them back from

accepting treatment.


What specific antibiotic do we use to help with tissue response to gum treatment? The name of the actual antibiotic! 

Minocycline HCL 

AKA Arestin! 


What is the first step to an accurate treatment plan? 

VOI Simplify 


When referring a patient to a specialist, what should be done before the patient leaves? 

Call the office and get them an appt. 

Schedule their restoration appointment



Our Mission Statement

To support dentists and their teams as they deliver the highest quality dental care

and experiences to the communities they serve while providing exceptional

careers and creating value for our stakeholders.


What is the LCQAC Objection Formula 

L Listen Use Active Listening – you may echo what you perceive to be the

patient’s concern, use “Listening To” skills and do not interrupt.

C Cushion A neutral acknowledgement to reassure the patient that you heard them

and/or they are not alone.

Q Question Reshaping the objection into a question to be certain that you

understand what the objection is. Also, you may restate your

understanding that the patient wants the treatment, it is just the

objection is standing in the way.

A Answer Use questions to answer. Utilize the leaders and trailers. Remember…

you guide a conversation by asking questions.

C Confirm/Close Betting a commitment from the patient to proceed with treatment


What is D4341 VS 4342? 

Perio SRP 4+ Teeth/Quad 

Perio SRP 1-3 Teeth/Quad


What are our two prime lenders we partner with? 

My Smile Care 

Care Credit 


What amazing tool does the office have to save time with restorations? Fast lab times, less mess, and saves money! 

iTero scanner 

What US dental school did Dr. Kalsi attend? 

University of Michigan 


What do we do every Tuesday to build the schedule? What code do we use in Dentrix to track this? 

Schedule blitz!!! D0096


What types of whitening do we offer?

In office Zoom whitening 

Take home trays 

Smiles for life take home trays Pre-filled take home trays 


10-Step Financial Process 

1. Develop rapport

 Ask about the appointment—celebrate the alignment of goals between patient and doctor.

2. Patient confirmation

 Ask patient to share their overview of what they and Doctor have discussed.

 Understand that it will not be in complete detail—this is okay, we are looking for a synergistic

overview of goals.

3. Share excitement

 We are all on the same team—working to achieve goals.

 Let the patient know they are making a good decision.

4. How would you like me to share the information?

 Detail or Bottom Line

 Respect what they say!

5. Give fee with Confidence!

 BE SILENT AND WAIT FOR ANSWER. By giving solutions or speaking you are breaking the

patients thought process or interrupting the stages of change. This may cause the patient to

become confused and prevent them from moving forward with treatment.

 If you need to break the silence ask the patient – “Tell me what you’re thinking”.

6. Repeat back the response, if appropriate. Ask what that means.

7. Whole amount or fitting it into budget.

 If the concern is the whole amount we have not closed the treatment.

 If the concern is fitting it into the monthly budget we can help!

8. Ask for a payment amount from the patient before suggesting any program!

9. Utilize payment amount from the patient before suggesting any program!

10. Close it today!


What is the thrive goal for professional supplies and lab fees? 

3.5% & 5%


Name all 6 of our Core Values

Achievement – Striving for mastery through constant and neverending

improvement, focusing on results and putting the success

of supported offices first.

Honor – Acting with honesty, integrity and transparency,

maintaining a healthy work environment and doing the right things

for the right reasons

Execution – Staying open, positive and mentally flexible, delivering

world-class processes and systems, efficiently managing change

Balance – Promoting work/life balance, creating safe and

supportive environments, giving back to the communities we


Collaboration – Working hard, smart and together, promoting

inclusion and diversity

Celebration – Staying grateful, having fun together, celebrating

each other’s success and growth


What survey company do we use to measure patient satisfaction? 

Press Ganey 


How does malocclusion related to periodontal disease?  

Malocclusion (a misalignment of teeth) affects approximately 74% of American adults, and if you have malocclusion, it may be affecting your periodontal health. When teeth are not properly aligned it becomes difficult to remove plaque, which can lead to gum disease.


Confirmation Policy 

2 week - 

Solution Reach (SR) will send out an e-mail message or text to all patients

(doctor and hygiene) with devices. The office will call any hygiene patient

without a device to complete their 2 week calls. A 2 week call is not necessary

or required for doctor’s patients since these patients may have scheduled


*The patient is not prompted to confirm appointment at this time.*

3 days - 

Solution Reach will send a confirmation e-mail message or text to all patients

with devices that are not already confirmed. A SR Voice automated call will be

made to all patients without a device (SR will make 3 call attempts). If the

patient confirms through SR the appointment status will change to confirmed in


2 days - 

The office will call any patient that does not have a device and needs to confirm

their appointment.

1 day - 

The office will contact any patient that is not confirmed, even if they have a

Solution Reach device. 

2 hours - 

A text message will go out to all patients. Unconfirmed patients will receive a

reminder and confirmed patients will receive a thank you message.


What important doctor provided document helps the DA understand what the doctor is looking for and pre-heat the patient? 


Treatment Planning for Predictability 


How many square feet is DCOD? (within 100 sqft) 

3410 Sq. Feet