A type of play that allows control and gradual exploration.
What is symbolic play?
Meanings are communicated and negotiated with a peer.
What is Socio-dramatic play?
Movement in any and every direction for its own sake.
What is locomotor play?
When you pretend to be someone else, engage in role taking, and imitate a person’s speech actions and patterns.
What is dramatic play?
The degree to which a transformed object represents what it is intended to symbolize.
What is symbolic distancing?
What is bipolar opposites in play?
Manipulation of objects and materials to build or create something.
What is Constructive play?
Risky or even potentially life-threatening experiences to develop survival skills and conquer fear.
What is deep play?
Awareness of new connections with an element of surprise.
What is creative play?
Conventional rules of the physical world do not apply.
What is imaginative play?
Playing with household items, sticks, stones, or even pets.
What is object play?
Digging holes, growing things, or blocking drains to create puddles.
What is mastery play?
Singing, Rhyming, and Nonverbal communication.
Takes on a different state.
What is role play?
Playful pushing, shoving, and jostling
What is rough and tumble play?
Playing passively by watching others.
What is onlooker behavior?
Playing by oneself
What is Solitary play?
Children share materials and talk to each other, but do not coordinate play objectives or interests.
What is associative play?
Children organize themselves into roles with specific goals in mind.
What is cooperative play?
Helps develop socio-emotional, cognitive, gross and fine motor skills.
What is play?