About Me

What is theme?

the life lesson, author's message, or moral of the story


What is an inference?

Making an inference is when you combine information that you know with information that the texts provides


What are the two types of characterization?

Indirect and direct


Who said, "Rule number one: If someone disrespects you, you send a message so fierce that they won't have a chance to do it again."



What is my real name?

Gabriana Simmons


Is the theme directly stated? Explain.

The theme is NOT directly stated. You have to make an inference to determine it

What is the inference formula?

What the text provides + What you know = An Inference


What is characterization? 

The way an author reveals the special qualities and personalities of a character in a story, making the character believable.


The author Wes Moore's mother receives a settlement from the hospital in Chapter 2. What does she spend it on?

Training for paramedics in respiratory and cardiac arrest techniques


Where am I originally from?

North Carolina

Growing up, Sally was always in the shadow of her older sister Mary. Mary always got better grades, was better at sports, and seemed to even be prettier. Sally spent a lot of time in the family's garden feeling sorry for herself. Then one day Mary needed help on a science project about plants. Due to all of her time in the garden, Sally knew a lot about plants and was able help Mary with the project. Sally was shocked that she was better at something than her sister. What is the theme? 

A. Accept yourself for who you are. 

B. You can better at things than others 

C. You can learn a lot from plants.

A. Accept yourself for who you are


Jake and Time sat quietly next to each other, each thinking his own thoughts. Suddenly, the pole Jake was holding loosely in his hands jerked so hard, he nearly dropped it. "You got one!" exclaimed Time excitedly. "Reel him in slowly." What did Jake have? How do you know?

You use a pole to fish and a fish jerks on a pole when you catch on. Then, you have to reel it in.



You get the 300 points!

How does the OTHER Wes Moore get into the drug game?

He is looking for money to buy new accessories and clothes. While thinking about this, he asks a corner boy where he could get a headset like his. It turns out he becomes a corner boy as a result


Where do I currently live/go to school?

Spelman College in Atlanta, GA


What is theme that you've seen in TOWM so far. Explain why that is a theme.

Answers will vary


We looked everywhere, posted signs, and made flyers. Then, we arrived at the building. The lady said we could go take a look. We went down the rows and rows of barking cages looking closely and hoping above everything else! What can you infer? How do you know?

A dog was lost and they went to the shelter to look for it. 


After coming home late from a party, Mae's father questioned her. She wanted to tell him that she was studying at a friend's place and lost track of time, but she told him the truth instead; she was at the party. What is an implied character trait of Mae? Explain.

Honesty, integrity, courage


What caused author Wes Moore's father's death? (full points if you know the exact name)

Acute epiglottis (An Infection)


How old am I?

19 years old


What are the three questions you have to ask yourself to determine the theme?

1. What did the characters learn?

2. How did the characters grow or change?

3. Why did the characters act this way?


"Ohhh, Ahh!" said the boys. As another one sparkled in the sky, they jumped up with excitement, "Boom!" They waited patiently for the grand exit when colors zoomed across the sky and loud noises filled the air. Then, they gathered their belongings and walked to their car. Where are they at? How do you know?

What is the fireworks show. Boom, colors in the sky, loud noises, are all text clues.


What are the 5 types of indirect characterization?

Appearance, Actions, Words, Thoughts and feelings, and Other character’s comments or reactions


Who tried to pursue an education in order to better her family, but was unable to continue school due to financial problems?



How many times have I previously been to Miami?

ZERO, it's my first time down here:)