These ankle biters should be seen and not heard.
Short for “mother.”
Substitute this citrus juice if you run out of lemon juice.
What is lime? You can also substitute vinegar.
FYI means this.
“for your information”
Forks, knives, and plates are cumbersome at the fair, so what do many food items come on so they can be eaten with one hand?
These people specialize in five-finger discounts.
Adam and ____.
Substitute this cultured dairy product for sour cream.
What is yogurt? In baked goods, there is no discernible difference in taste.
AWOL means this.
“absent without leave”? It is most commonly used in a military context.
What brightly colored, spun-sugar delicacy comes on a thin, paper cone at the state fair?
Cotton candy
When you ask for the 411 on something, you’re asking for this.
It is this type of duty to vote
If you run out of brown sugar, you can mix this with sugar.
What is molasses? Brown sugar is white sugar and molasses.
ETA means this
“estimated time of arrival”
What scary state-fair ride goes up and down and all around at breathtaking speed?
Roller coaster
When someone had a windfall, we used to say they received pennies from this place.
She in French.
If a chicken recipe calls for white wine, you can substitute this liquid.
broth, stock, or citrus juice
i.e. means this.
“that is”
What signature ride is a huge wheel that holds passengers in buckets as it slowly ascends from the ground into the air and back down?
Ferris wheel.
When someone was out of control, we used to tell them to take this kind of pill.
Chill Pill.
Past tense of “to glorify as a god.”
If a recipe calls for baking powder, you can make a substitute by adding this to baking soda.
cream of tartar.
This is the difference between an abbreviation and an acronym.
abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, and an acronym uses the initials of the major words
What fruit is covered with caramel at the fair?