Song Titles
(with the word Summer)
Items We Wear

Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle
But put me in summer and I'll be a happy snowman

What is In Summer? From the Disney movie Frozen


A version of golf played on a series of short constructed obstacle courses

What is Mini-golf?


Link-sausage sandwich, typically, with ketchup and mustard 

What is a Hotdog?


Protect your eyes from the bright sun

What are Sunglasses?


Day for commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the United States in 1776

What is the 4th of July?


Summer lovin', had me a blast
Summer lovin', happened so fast
Met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be
Summer days drifting away

What is Summer Nights? From the movie Grease


Observing stars, moons, and other objects in space in the night sky

What is Stargazing?


Sweetened frozen, eaten as a snack or dessert. Comes in a variety of flavors the most common are chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry

What is ice cream?


Protect your head from the hot sun

What is Hat?


2-3 month school break in the school academic year

What is Summer Break/ Summer Vacation?


Do you remember,
Or should I rewind,
To that summer when you caught my eye,
I played it cool,
The weather was hot,
You had the beauty and the beach on lock.

What is Summertime? New Kids on the Block


The practice of tending, growing and cultivating plants, such as flowers, vegetables and fruits

What is Gardening?


A refreshing drink made of lemons and sweetened water

What is Lemonade?


Lotion that is rubbed/sprayed on skin to protect from the harmful rays of the sun

What is Sunscreen?


A day for celebrating dads, grandpas, uncles, or other persons in our lives who play an important role

What is Father's Day?


_______ when the weather is hot
You can stretch right up and touch the sky
When the weather's fine
You got women, you got women on your mind
Have a drink, have a drive
Go out and see what you can find

What is In The Summertime? Mungo Jerry


Riding a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and moving by using foot pedals

What is Biking?


Large fruit with smooth green skin, red pulp and black seeds, and watery juice

What is Watermelon?


Type of clothing worn when swimming

What is Swimsuit/ Bathing suit?


Occurs on the first Monday of September every year. Celebrates various labor unions' strengths of and contributions to the United States' economy

What is Labor Day?


Like the Ferris wheel goes around and around
Well the trouble with up is there's always a down
First I'm holding your hand and we're on the boardwalk
There's heaven right here on these streets and these docks
But the sun keeps setting and the days go fast
And the sand on the beach is like an hourglass
And I can just feel it, I'm slipping away
And babe, I can already say that

What is Beat This Summer? Brad Paisley


A large outdoor area with rides, shows, refreshments, games of chance or skill, and other entertainments

What is an Amusement Park?


This popular grain is yellow. And is grown outside in a field. It can be eaten straight from a long ear

What is Corn on the Cob?

Type of footwear that shows your toes

What are Sandals?


Longest day of the year

What is Summer Solstice?