Historic Philanthropies
National Philanthropy
Local Philanthropy
Community Service Partnership
Misc. :)

What are the names of both of Kappa Delta's historic philanthropies?

-Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU.

-Orthopedic Research Awards.


What is Kappa Delta's National Philanthropy?

Prevent Child Abuse America.


What is the Eta Zeta chapter of Kappa Delta's local philanthropy?

The Monique Burr Foundation


What is Kappa Delta's national community service initiative?

The Girl Scouts of America!


What is a Shamrock Event?

-An event unique to each Kappa Delta chapter that raises money for both PCAA and that chapter's local philanthropy.


How does national Kappa Delta raise money for its historic philanthropies?

Through the Kappa Delta Foundation! Money comes from both dues and generous donations but not from fundraising!


What is Prevent Child Abuse America's signature program and what does it do?

-Healthy Families America

-This program surveys at-risk families and provides them with in-home help including mental health counseling, babysitting, and the donation of supplies needed to raise a child.


What do all Kappa Delta Chapter's local philanthropies have in common?

-They all support the prevention of child abuse!


When did national Kappa Delta begin their partnership with the Girl Scouts of America?

-In the Spring of 1998.


What is the difference between philanthropy and community service?

-Philanthropy: Fundraising for a cause that MUST involve monetary donations.

-Community Service: Hands-on work that gives back to the community. No financial contributions involved.


When did Kappa Delta's partnership with the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU begin and why?


-The hospital was making strides to irradiate polio and they never turned patients down due to their inability to pay.


Which Kappa Delta sister founded Prevent Child Abuse America? When did she found this organization?

Donna Stone in 1972.


What is the Monique Burr Foundation's signature program and what does it do?

-Child Safety Matters

-A comprehensive curriculum (K-5) that educates and empowers children with information and strategies to prevent, recognize, and address all types of abuse. 


Why did national Kappa Delta partner with the Girl Scouts of the USA?

-Similar mission statements. 

-Girl Scout Mission Statement: 


How much money raised from shamrock events goes to PCAA and the Monique Burr Foundation?

-All of the money raised goes to these two organizations! 

-80% stays local and goes to the Monique Burr Foundation while 20% goes to Prevent Child Abuse America.


When did Kappa Delta begin its Orthopedic Research Award Program and why?


-Began from the involvement with the Children's Hospital because we wanted to also focus on prevention of diseases. 


What are the Five Safety rules taught in the Monique Burr Foundation's curriculum?

-Know What's Up 

-Spot Red Flags

-Make a Move

-Talk it Up

-No Blame, No Shame


Which Kappa Delta sister once served as the national president of the Girl Scouts? When did she serve in this position?

Mehene Culmer in 1957.


What is the Kappa Delta Foundation?

The benevolant branch of national Kappa Delta that supports a number of worthwhile causes. Money from both dues and donations help support these charities!

-70 scholarships

-Historic Philanthropies


Which Kappa Delta sister currently serves as CEO of the Monique Burr Foundation?

Lynn Layton.


How much money did all Kappa Delta chapters raise for Prevent Child Abuse America this past biennium?

2.5 million dollars!