Religion vs Spirituality
Other Spirituality Info
Making Changes

Is there a difference between religion and spirituality?

What is yes? The major difference between religion and spirituality is one of believing versus being


A person who does not believe in God

What is an atheist?


Addiction is frequently described as a condition that harms a person’s physical, psychological, and emotional life. In addition,many people believe that addiction affects a person’s _____________

Spiritual Life


_____ is an emotion that emerges from observing someone’s pain and your active desire to help and to alleviate his suffering.



_____ is a positive attitude in acknowledgement of something you have already received or will receive in the future.



Do you have to religious in order to be spiritual?

What is false? You don’t need to follow an institutionalized religion in order to have a fruitful spiritual life.


A person who believes that there is no known ultimate reality

What is an agnostic?


When people stop using drugs, their thinking becomes clearer, and they become more mindful of their past and present behavior. They may see their weaknesses, such as arrogance, fear, dishonesty, anger, self- pity, and selfishness. As this __________ grows, so does the need to change.



____ is telling the truth – being completely truthful and trustworthy.



T/F someone who is spiritual must be open minded?



Religion is a specific set of organized beliefs and practices, usually shared by a __________. Spirituality is more of an ________ Practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.

What is Religion is a specific set of organized beliefs and practices, usually shared by community or group. Spirituality is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.


An institution or organization such as Judaism, Buddhism, Islam or Christianity

What is Religion?


Step Eleven of the Twelve Steps states: “ We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we underrstood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us
and the power to carry that out.”  _________ is one way that many people get in touch with their
Higher Power.

What is Prayer?


_____ is a decision that you can make to let go of resentments about something you did, or feel you did, in the past.



Honesty and open-mindedness are not enough for
spiritual growth. You also need to be ___________________



______ is my connection with the “beyond” that we are all a part of. It is a sense of purpose in this life. It is a conviction that there are no coincidences and we each have a soul’s purpose; things happen for a reason – to elevate us and give us the opportunity to reach our highest purpose and potential.



Can come from spirituality and faith, a concept that provides comfort for people in recovery when they endure triggers, life threatening conditions, hardships and challenges



______ grant me the serenity
To _______ the things I cannot change,
The ______ to change the things I can,
And the ______ to know the difference

What is God, Accept, Change, Wisdom?


The belief that a force outside of and greater than the onself exists beyond the material world  - An example would be the feeling of awe when holding a new baby or looking at a beautiful sunset

Higher Power


One approach to spirituality can be summed up in the acronym HOW which stands for:

What is Honesty, Open-Mindedness, and Willingness?


Does religion or spirituality have rituals and practices?

What is both religion and spirituality have rituals and practices which deepen one's religiosity or spirituality. Religion usually has sacred rites or sacraments. Spirituality has meditation or yoga sessions.


One is a highly personal and unique to each individual.  Faith and hope are closely linked to a person's spiritual well being. The other is a specific system of practices associated with a particular denomination, sect or form of worship.

What is the difference between spirituality and religion?


Name 10 religious groups?

Christians (roman Catholic, baptist, A.M.E, Seven day Adventist) Muslims Irreligious and atheist Hindus Buddhists Taoists/Confucianists/Chinese traditional religionists Ethnic/Indigenous Indigenous Sikhism Judaism Spiritism Bahá'ís Jainism


The main four areas of life (health) to keep in balance at all times is?

What are the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional?


People may go to many different places for spiritual help. Some people will reach out to a specific person. Others may reach out to
Alcoholics Anonymous, Church on the Move, or another self-help group. Still others may reach out to the God of their religion, or to some “Higher Power,” which is a very personal version of God. Exactly what or whom you reach out to is less important than the fact that you

Reaching out for help