What scan uses high-frequency sound waves to make an image of a person's internal body structures?
What is a ultrasound
What is the fold of skin that protects your eye?
What is an eyelid
What is active range of motion?
Athlete moves by himself
How man Cranial Nerves are there?
Generalized collapse of circulatory system resulting in mass vasodilation.
What is shock?
What measures your blood pressure?
What is a sphygmomanometer
Where does the liquid that comes from your eye when you're sad come from?
What is a tear duct
What bone is located in the heel?
What is P.E.A.R.L?
Pupils Equal and Reactive to Light
Shock with increased venous capacity due to a loss of peripheral vasomotor tone cardiac function & blood volume may be normal.
What is neurogenic shock?
What do you use to listen to a person's internal body sounds?
What is a stethoscope
What is the black part of your eye called?
What is a pupil
What is the medial ankle ligament?
Deltoid Ligament
What is the function of olfactory nerve?
To smell
shock that results from the hearts inability to adequately circulate blood volume.
what is cariogenic?
What large tube shape machine uses a magnetic field to create images of organs and tissues?
What is a MRI
What is the colored part of your eye called
What is an Iris
What should someone do after an ankle injury?
What nerve is being tested when a patient is asked to identify objects off a chart from a distance?
Optic Nerve
shock caused by a severe infection
what is septic shock?
A _____ uses an electrical shock to reset your heart so that it can beat again.
What is a AED
Which part of your eye send signals to the brain?
What is your optic nerve
What is the most commonly sprained ligament in the ankle?
Anterior Talofibular: ATF
Which nerve is responsible for taste?
shock caused by the physical impediment to the flow of blood
what is obstructive?