According to the evidence from current research, what role does drinking regular amounts of coffee or tea have on cancer development?
Coffee may have an anticancer effect
Name two recommendations to maintain a healthy weight
Control weight, eat slowly: consume smaller portions
Avoid “seconds”
Eat a variety of food
Eat less sugar and sweets
Avoid alcohol in excess
Increase physical activity
Daily Double
What is the ideal wt for a male pt 6'0 tall?
81 kg or 178#
For _____ cancer, epidemiologic studies indicated that alcohol consumption increases the risk of development.
Define anemia
deficiency in size or number of erythrocytes or amount of hemoglobin they contain
Name two healthy eating guidelines for DM counseling
Eat variety of foods
cut back on added fats and fried foods
choose lean meats and low fat dairy
reduce salt containing foods, convenience and fast foods
This federally funded program provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults who are enrolled for care at participating child care centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers.
What is the formula for Mifflin St. Jeor?
10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) – 161 women
0 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y)+5 men
Daily Double
Define carcinogens and apoptosis.
origin/development of CA
cell death
Name two causes of iron deficiency anemia.
Inadequate intake
Inadequate absorption
Inefficient utilization
Inadequate intake to support increased blood volume
Increased excretion—hemorrhage
Increased destruction
Name the macronutrient DM guidelines RD's should follow for CHO, Pro, and Fat
•CHO 45-65%
•Pro 10-35%
•Fat 20-35%
this program has been successful in introducing elementary school children to a variety of produce that they otherwise might not have the opportunity to sample.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
Calculate the estimated energy needs for a 26 year old woman who is 5'2 and weighs 120#
1233 kcals
Name the three stages of abnormal cell division and reproduction that can spread throughout the body
What stage will iron deficiency occur?
◦Stage III: inadequate body iron, dysfunction, and disease
◦Stage IV: iron deficiency anemia develops
Who governs the general goals for nutrient intake and diet composition for the Dietary Guidelines of American 2015-2020
USDA and Department of Health and Human Services
This program operators who serve free healthy meals and snacks to children and teens in low-income areas outside of the academic school year.
Summer Food Service Program
How many grams of CHO should a person on a 1800 kcal diet consume at 55% of their needs
990 kcals/4 =248 or 250g/d
60-75g/meal for three meals with 2 CHO servings for snack
What are dietary carcinogens?
naturally occurring and added in food preparation and preservation from pesticides or herbicides produced by plants
Daily double
Name two symptoms of iron deficiency
◦Decreased work performance and exercise tolerance
◦Fatigue, anorexia, and pica
◦Abnormal cognitive development in children
◦Growth abnormalities, epithelial disorders, reduced gastric acidity
◦Reduced immunocompetence
◦If severe, cardiovascular and respiratory changes
What is the goal of nutrition therapy during palliative care?
alleviate symptoms and or prevent unintentional wt loss
This entitlement program provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
How many kcals should a CA pt who is 50kg receive each day?
30-35 kcals or 25-30 kcals/day
1500-1750 or 1250-1500 kcals/day
Name two guidelines for CA prevention.
1.Adopt a physically active lifestyle. Adults should engage in a minimum of 150 minutes per week of moderate activity or a minimum of 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity.
2.Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
3.Eat a variety of healthful, colorful foods, with an emphasis on plant sources.
4.Limit consumption of alcohol.
5.Do not use tobacco in any form.
Where is excess iron stored?
stored as ferritin in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow