Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Learning and the Brain
Social Cognitive Theory

It is a long-term change in mental representations or associations as a result of experience.

What is learning


The Russian psychologist who conducted a series of experiments on dogs salivating might ring a bell.

Who is Ivan Pavlov?


Praise, good grades, and money are examples of previously neutral stimulus that do not satisfy any built-in biological or social needs but are reinforced to a learner through repeated association with another reinforcer.

What are secondary or conditioned reinforcers?


The largest and most recently evolved part of the human brain that predominates in learning, thinking, and engages humans distinctly in mental activities.

What are the functions of the Forebrain?


When an observer watches a model get punished for behaviour and becomes less likely to replicate the behaviour themselves?

What is Inhibition Effect?


Researchers investigate specific learning processes under tightly controlled conditions, often looking at people's responses to contrived learning experiences in a lab.

How to conduct basic research?


The action of an organism responding to a stimulus without having had to learn to do so.

What is unconditioned response (UCR)?


An example of how to utilize punishment effectively as a negative reinforcement is when students study more simply because mandatory after-school tutoring is threatened as punishment for future low marks.

What is informing learners ahead of time what behaviors will be punished?


An extremely stressful events that can alter brain development and immune system, causing death and chronic diseases such as diabetes, drug use, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and depression.

What are adverse childhood experiences?


The theory that the environment, person and behaviour influence each other.

What is Reciprocal Causation?


They lacked a precise, carefully of scientific rigor.

What is the common weakness between functionalism and structuralism?


A recurrence of a conditioned response when a period of extinction is followed by a rest period.

What is spontaneous recovery?


When reinforcements are presented after a particular but continually changing number of responses have been made. For instance, in slot machines.

What is a variable-ratio (VR) schedule?


It enhances certain brain structures and function, improves mental alertness, helps people to fight off germs intended to harm them, helps to consolidate new memories, and improves cardiovascular activities.

The importance of sleep and physical exercise?


When a model demonstrates not only how to do something but also how to think about a task.

What is Cognitive Modeling?


It has 4 advantages based on our textbook.

How many advantages do theories have? 


Executing one of these behaviors makes it virtually impossible to engage in the behavior that needs to be reduced or eliminated.

What are incompatible behaviors?


Children in a classroom learning to sit quietly and pay attention in order to subsequently be able to engage in a more-preferred activity, such as interacting with classmates.

What is the Premack Principle of Activity Reinforcers?


Theorist believe it primarily involves the modification of existing synapses and the creation of new ones, along with the occasional formation of new neurons (neurogenesis). Also, certain star-shaped glial cells known as astrocytes play key roles in the process.

What is the process of Learning?


The degree to which a person believes they can or cannot accomplish a task.

What is Self-Efficacy?


It was introduced in 1898 and has remained with us in one form or another ever since.

What is the reward principle?


Two weaknesses of this approach include students being unable to meet the criteria to pass and limiting social interaction with peers.

What is mastery learning?


A system that reinforces learners with a symbolic mechanism which can then be used later by the learner to pick a reinforcement of their choice.

What is a token economy for backup reinforcers?


It is the part of the brain that seems to be primarily in charge of language with two particular areas (Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area) being major players in speech production and language comprehension. Also, reading and mathematical calculation skills seems to be heavily dependent on.

What are the functions of the left hemisphere?


The act of reducing temptations in the environment in order to reduce the behaviour.

What is self-imposed Stimulus Control?