Infection Control
Aseptic Techniques
Nonaseptic Techniques
Medical Emergencies

Adequate perfusion of human tissue generally requires a systolic pressure of

90 mm Hg or greater.


Lyme disease is a condition caused by bacteria carried by deer ticks. The tick bite may cause fever, fatigue, and other associated symptoms. This is an example of transmission of an infection by



The goal of aseptic technique is to

protect the patient from pathogenic microbes.


NG tubes are inserted through the patient’s _____ with the end of the tube placed in the _____.

nasopharynx; stomach


A common name for an emergency cart within medical imaging is the _____ cart.



The polarity that exists across a cardiac cell membrane is maintained by an active transport process known as

sodium-potassium ion pump.


The process of establishment and growth of a microorganism on or in a host is referred to as



If the sterility of an object is unknown, which of the following should be done?

Consider the object unsterile and do not use it.


The use of a water-soluble contrast agent such as Gastrografin for a colon examination is warranted for patients with

a possible bowel perforation.


What type of shock is caused by a failure of the heart to pump enough blood to the vital organs including the brain?



The QRS complex on a typical ECG represents

depolarization of ventricular muscle.


Pathogenic organisms have the ability to

secrete endotoxins

replicate and cause blockages to the flow of fluids and gases

cause cellular and tissue damage


A common neonatal chest disorder requiring portable radiography in the neonatal unit is transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN). Radiographs are taken to visualize the chest for respiratory distress, and in doing so, the imaging professional must
1. use the highest degree of aseptic techniques.
2. use lead protection when possible, and sterilize after each use.
3. surgically scrub your hands to replace gloves in order to position the neonate with better precision.
4. wrap all items that may have the potential of coming in contact with the newborn.
5. use contact or shadow shielding for patient protection.
6. treat the procedure as a sterile procedure similar to surgery.

use the highest degree of aseptic technique
use lead protection when possible, and sterilize after each use

wrap all items that may have the potential of coming in contact with the newborn.
use contact or shadow shielding for patient protection.


As you begin to perform a hip examination on an elderly female patient who has undergone hip surgery, the patient states that she “needs to go to the bathroom.” Which of the following should be done?
1. Use a standard bedpan.
2. Provide for the patient’s privacy and locate a fracture bedpan.
3. Be sure to wear gloves and wash your hands.
4. If the bedpan is metallic, run it under warm water for patient comfort and discard in a recycling bin.
5. You and an assistant should assist the patient with movement onto the bedpan.
6. Return the patient to the nursing floor for cleanup and patient hygiene.

Provide for the patient’s privacy and locate a fracture bedpan.

Be sure to wear gloves and wash your hands.

You and an assistant should assist the patient with movement onto the bedpan.


The type of shock that is a result of severe loss of blood is



A cardiac arrhythmia that is life threatening and provides no effective cardiac output is



After an organism is infected and by the time symptoms of the infectious process manifest, several steps have taken place. These steps consist of
1. multiplication and spread.
2. encounter and entry.
3. host.
4. damage.
5. reservoir.
6. phagocytosis.
7. outcome.

multiplication and spread

encounter and entry




When performing radiologic examinations on patients with chest tubes,

the chest drainage system has three compartments: collection chamber, water seal chamber, and suction control chamber

the exterior chamber of the assembly must remain higher than the patient’s chest level to prevent retrograde flow.

check for the color of the drainage and report any pale amber color indicating serous fluid.


To confirm the placement of an NG tube in its proper position, a physician may use

a syringe to remove gastric contents as proof and fluoroscopy for visualization


What is the first thing you should do if a patient who is standing turns pale and says he feels dizzy?

Have the patient lie down.


The normal flow of electrical impulse through the cardiac conduction system of the heart follows what sequence of events? 

1. Purkinje fibers
2. AV node
3. SA node
4. Bundle of His
5. Interventricular node (IV node)

SA node 

AV node 

Bundle of His 

Purkinje fibers


A nosocomial infection is an

infection acquired at a hospital


You are about to assist with a sterile procedure. In scrubbing for the procedure, it is important to

The sterile scrub consists of scrubbing with an antimicrobial agent. Remove all jewelry, including watches. Wash hands and arms with antiseptic soap. Clean subungual areas with nail file. Scrub the sides of each finger, between the fingers, and the back and front of the hand for 3 minutes. Scrub the arm with the hands higher than the elbows. Each side of the arm is washed to 3 inches above the elbow for 1 minute. The hands remain above the elbows at all times.


Nasogastric (NG) tubes are inserted with the patient in the _____ position.

High Fowler

Nasogastric (NG) tubes are plastic or rubber tubes inserted through the nasopharynx into the stomach. The patient is placed in a high Fowler position with pillows supporting the head and shoulders.


CPR can be stopped when

After it is begun, basic life support should (and for legal reasons, must) be continued until the victim resumes spontaneous respiration and circulation, a physician or other responsible health care professional calls a halt or the rescuer is too exhausted to continue.