What is the largest bone in the human body?
Which prophet was known as the Friend of Allah?
Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
Which tailed beast does Naruto have?
Nine-Tailed Beast/Kurama
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What planet is closest to the sun?
Which country has the most Muslims?
What skill did Naruto fail at the academy?
The Clone Jutsu
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Who was the second President of the U.S.?
John Adams
Who was the fourth Kalifah?
Ali Ibn Talib (RA)
What tailed beast is inside Gaara?
Shukaku/One-Tailed Beast
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Pet Smart
What symbol is the element Silver?
During which month is the Hajj performed?
When did Hinata tell Naruto that she had feelings for him?
During Naruto’s fight with Pain.
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Family Dollar
Only one color, but not one size,
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.Present in sun, but not in rain,
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
What is it?
A shadow
Which prophet did Allah directly speak to?
Prophet Musa (AS)
What is a kunoichi?
A female ninja
Logo #5
Sam’s Club