Teacher knowledge
Basic Stuff
Psychological influences
Mixed up madness

Mr. Hastings divides the students into groups. Students work on real-life activities with each other. If the students have a problem, their group members help them. What is the educational philosophy?

What is progressivism


What do teachers need in order to teach the content to others and the ability to develop higher-order thinking skills in learners?

Pedagogical Content Knowledge


What is the most important factor in the classroom affecting student achievement according to research?

What is a teacher


Piaget and Vygotsky independently developed theories on how students learn. Both psychologists helped to further which educational psychology?

What is Constructivism


How does a teacher increase motivation for learning with students?

What is provide an atmosphere that meets basic needs 


Ms. Ling likes an orderly classroom with her students sitting-up and quiet. She uses a lecture-discussion technique when presenting the basic skills needed for her students. Which educational philosophy does she follow?

What is essentialism 


The following are components of Darling-Hammond's (2009) teacher qualities list: 

Strong intelligence and and verbal skills 


According to a survey by eSchool News (2011), what is most important to students and what do they most want from education?

What is real-world application, teacher mentors 


Melanie understands her own feelings but cannot sympathize with her friend’s feelings. Her perspective is focused around herself which is normal development during this cognitive stage. According to Piaget, what is Melanie’s stage of Cognitive Development?

What is preoperational stage


Older students have more highly developed abilities to think and reason than younger children.

Why does this occur?

What is cognitive development 


Ms. Foster promotes civic engagement in her class. She believes students who participate in a service learning activity develop a sense of self-worth and increase their social skills. What is her educational philosophy?

What is social reconstructionism 


Perceptions of teaching excellence as described by excellent teachers include

What is caring, committed, highly creative, reflective, and having a strong locus of control (believing in one's own abilities) 


Berliner (1985) identifies three components of instructional skills. Which of the following are accurate descriptions?

What are skills that occur before instruction the instruction including planning for content, timing, grouping, pacing, and student activities 


What are skills that occur after the instruction, including assessment of student performance, feedback, reflection, and management of tests and grades. 


Maslow identified seven categories of basic needs for all students ranked from lowest to highest. What is the name of this arrangement?

What is hierarchy of need


Two women are shopping in a store and begin to pay for their merchandise. The woman who is white pays by credit card and leaves. The other woman is not white and also pays with a credit card but is asked to show further identification. What may explain this discrepancy?

What is white privilege 


What is a teaching strategy that engages students in meaningful activities in the community that may promote social change?

What is service Learning


Who developed the Quality School approach which identifies six basic conditions for quality teaching?

Who is William Glasser


What two components are needed to form excellence in teaching?

What are the Art and Science of Teaching 


Ms. Bigelow provides opportunities for her students to feel successful and values all their contributions. Which one of Maslow’s needs does Ms. Bigelow meet?

What is self-worth and self-esteem 


Under the No Child Left Behind Act, elementary schools and teachers tend to concentrate on 3 areas. What are the 3 skills emphasized?

What are math, reading, and writing 


In Ms. Clark’s class the students earn points for doing their homework and completing projects. They may turn in their points for prizes every Friday. Ms. Clark feels these rewards will motivate her students to perform the intended behaviors. What psychology does Ms. Clark promote?

What is Behaviorism 


NCATE's mission or role is to establish high-quality teacher preparation. T/F

What is true


The Science of Teaching is considered a function of _____.

What is instruction skill

What is one way Glasser’s five basic needs and Maslow’s needs relate to each other?

What are love, acceptance, and belonging


What is one difference between a charter school and a traditional school?

What is freedom and flexibility from regulations