Ugly Vocabulary
/r/ words
Ugly Vocabulary Sentences
Ugly Comprehension Questions

Tell the definition of squelch.

What is to crush as if by trampling; to squash?


Use incredible in a sentence.  Spell incredible.  

What is "Have you ever watched the Incredible movie?" or any other sentence that makes sense.


Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Tooli's neck.  He stormed out the door with Tooli coming right behind.  He said, "Hurry up, Tooli.  You're always so slow." Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking to anyone that he saw.          

What was true about the feelings of Justin?                                                                   



What is he was angry that he had to walk the dog?              


Use squelch in a sentence.  

What is "I squelched a wall with my bare hands?" or other sentence that makes sense.


What was one of Robert Hoge's reasons for writing his book?

What is to share his parents' story with others who may have faced similar struggles? What is to share what it means to grow up looking and feeling different?



What is stuck out?


The wood of trees cut for building materials.

What is timber?


Mila changed her clothes about twenty times before her interview.  We can infer that..                                                                                                         

What is Mila wanted to make a good impression?


Use mangled in a sentence.

What is "My car got mangled because it crashed into another car?" or other sentence that makes sense.  


What is the solution Robert Hogue gives to fitting all the puzzle pieces of life together?

What is be unafraid of living?



What is to disfigure, mutilate, to injure severely by cutting, crushing or slashing?


This word means unwilling, holding back.

What is reluctant?


CONCLUSION: The family's house is right by a lake.      

What clue helps you draw the conclusion.                 It was a hot and sunny day.                                 My mom said we were going swimming.                 We left the house and walked to the boat dock.                                            

What is we left the house and walked to the boat dock?  


Use jutted in sentence.  

What is "The diving board jutted out from the pool deck." or other sentence that makes sense. 


What was Robert's mom's and dad's names?

What is Mary and Vince?


Define reluctant.  

What is unwilling; holding back?


This word means to try something new.

What is pioneering?


You're browsing the Help Wanted ads to find a job.  The job must pay at least $10/hour.

When scanning the job ads, what should you look at in each ad before reading the rest of the ad?                                                                    

1.  the $ amount                                                 2.  the contact number                                         3.  the heading                                                     4. the first sentence                                            



What is the $ amount?


Use reluctant in a sentence.  

What is "I am reluctant to eat bananas?" or other sentence that makes sense.


What would have caused Robert's head to swell up like a balloon and kill him?

What is if his deformities blocked the flow of fluid that helps cushion the spine and brain?


Define timber.

What is the wood of trees cut for building materials?


What did Robert Hoge say telling stories does for all of us?

What is hold us together like Krazy Glue?


In the years before the American Civil War, there was a federal law that allowed slave owners to reclaim their escaped slaves. Anthony Burns was born a slave in Virginia. He escaped to Boston in 1854. He lived and worked there for a few months before his former owner appeared and had him arrested. The trial of Anthony Burns triggered angry mobs in Boston, a city where most people were against slavery. He was forced to go back to Virginia with his master, but he later gained his freedom. 

Why was Anthony Burns arrested?

What is his owner was allowed by law to reclaim him?


Use timber in a sentence.

What is "When I built the house, I used timber from trees?" or other sentence that makes sense.


What horrible thoughts did Robert's mom have after Robert was born?

What is she wished he would die or go away? She decided to leave the in the hospital?