This region gets the least amount of precipitation
What is the Mountains and Basins
M stands for
What is movement
E stands for
A map that shows cities and towns and borders
What is a Political Map
Texas is the 2nd biggest
What is State
This region get the most precipitation
What is the Coastal Plains
R stands for
S stand for
A map that shows land features
What is a Physical Map
What are Flags
We are the most different
What are Coastal Plains and Mountains and Basins
P stand for
What is Place
P stands for
What is Political
To change something to make it better for you
What is Modification
This popular drink was born here
What is Dr. Pepper
Amarillo can be found here
What are the Great Plains
Plains, trains and automobiles
What is Movement
Money and resources
What is Economic
When you change
What is Adaption
I get my name from the Father of Texas
What is Austin
This region has the most people
What is the Coastal Plains
What is Place
The Governor, Mayor and President
What is Political
An educated guess
What is an Inference
The Stars at Night, are Big and Bright......
Deep in the Heart of Texas!