Mechanical Systems: 2, 4
Electronic System: 5, 7
Information Technology: 1, 3, 6
Group the followings into Mechanical systems, Electronic systems and Information technology.
1. Automation
2. Mechanical elements
3. Software engineering
4. Precision mechanics
5. Microelectronics
6. Artificial intelligence
7. Sensors and actuators
low power consumption
Unlike microprocessors, microcontrollers make use of batteries because they have
What is the order decided by a processor or the CPU of a controller to execute an instruction?
normally closed type
When ___________ contacts are actuated, they disrupt the power supply through them.
What is the name for information sent from robot sensors to robot controllers?
low power consumption
Explanation: Micro Controllers are made by using the concept of VLSI technology. So here, CMOS based logic gates are coupled together by this technique that consumes low power.
Unlike microprocessors, microcontrollers make use of batteries because they have:
What is the ratio of amplitude of response to that of the input called?
4,8,16,32 bits
How are microcontrollers classified on the basis of internal bus width?
The type of memory which is fast and temporarily stores the data which are immediately required for use is called as______.
Isaac asimov
Explanation: Isaac asimov was first to use the word robot in his book.
Which of the following person used the name robot first time in print?
The range of control of controller __________ due to presence of offset.
normally closed type
When ___________ contacts are actuated, they disrupt the power supply through them.
it increases and turns better
Explanation: As the bus width increases, the number of bits carried by bus at a time increases as a result of which the total performance and computer capability increases.
How are the performance and the computer capability affected by increasing its internal bus width?
poor than
The capability of convention relay systems for complex operations is ___________ that of the PLCs .
Norbert wiener
Explanation: Norbert wiener developed principles of cybernetics.
Principles of cybernetics was developed by ___________
Shifting of set point and adjusting its new value by the controller, when the value of disturbance increases, is called as_______.
The type of memory which is fast and temporarily stores the data which are immediately required for use is called as______.
data bus, address bus, control bus
Explanation: There are 3 buses present in a microcontroller they are data bus (for carrying data from one place to another), address bus (for carrying the address to which the data will flow) and the control bus (which tells the controller to execute which type of work at that address may be it read or write operation).
Give the names of the buses present in a controller for transferring data from one place to another?
How is the noise immunity of PLCs to electrical noises as compared to that of conventional relay controllers?
Explanation: Actuators convert stored energy into movement and hence known as muscles of a robot.
Which of the following represents muscles of a robot?
start reducing
If the frequency of the input signal to a system is increased, the amplitude of the output _______.
very slow
How is the speed of operation of conventional relay system as compared to digital controllers?
Explanation: Microcontrollers are loaded with .hex extension as they understand the language of 0’s and 1’s only.
What is the file extension that is loaded in a microcontroller for executing any instruction?
programmed and reprogrammed
PLC can be ___________ in plant to change the sequence of operation.
Artificial neural network
Explanation: ANN stands for the artificial neural network.
ANN stands for ___________