Name of the author of Nobody.
Marc Lamont Hill
This type of appeal targets feelings
Great Migration
Movement of 6 million Blacks from South to North between 1900-1960.
Thesis of Nobody:
Ferguson matters/is historically important
Where author is from/still lives
This type of appeal targets sense of right/wrong
Evidence that uses quotes from an expert witness
Interpersonal Racism
Racism between people
Kind of Evidence used here:
Forty years from now, we will still be talking about what happened in Ferguson. It will be mentioned in high school history textbooks. Hollywood studios will make movies about it, as they now make movies about Selma. Politicians will talk about "how far we have come since Ferguson" in the same way they talk today about how far we have come since Little Rock, Greensboro, or Birmingham.
Occupations of author (need at least 3)
Journalist, Activist, TV Personality, Professor
Type of appeal targets sense/logic
Evidence that comes from a comparison
structural racism
racism in societies institutions
Counter argument offered by author
Michael Brown was not an angel/leader. Testimony of favorable witnesses is problematic. Still need to see humanity of victim.
Causes in which he is involved
Adult literacy, Anti-drug, Racial Justice, Social Justice
This appeal relies on Testimony
Evidence that relies on stories from personal experience
DuBosian Problem
Black migrants seen as "nuisance" and "burden"
Significance of Brown's high school
low quality education/unaccredited/violent
essential question of Saint Louis stereotypes
Reasons why to be skeptical of his work:
Possibly anti-Semitic, relies heavily on anecdotal evidence
This type of appeal relies on Statistics/Facts
Argument presented to demonize migrants -
Threatening political/religious ideologues
Spread disease
Take jobs
Bring sinful behavior
Statement repeated regardless of factual basis to convince others of political perspective
Examples of systemic/historical racism in Ferguson
Segregation/racist famous residents/racist neighborhood covenants/race riots/police harassment and excessive force