What is my FAV color:) {I have four}
Black, White, Red, and Blue
Does Kaliyah have beef with anyone?
NO! :)
Who does Kaliyah like?
You will find out later teehee ahkekekeke
wHaT iS kAlIyAh'S fAvOrItE sEaSoN? cHoOsE 2.
sUmMeR oR wInTeR
What's Kaliyah's Favorite Cartoon?
Spongebob and That's On Periodt
What is Kaliyah's FAV subject?
Social Studies:)
Who's Kaliyah's Favorite Teacher? I do have Becker for ELA and SS.
A) Peters
B) Becker
C) Cornelius
C) Cornelius
What subject does Kaliyah Hate?
hOw oLd iS kAlIyAh?
What's Kaliyah's Favorite Book Series?
Dairy Of A Wimpy Kid
What is Kaliyah's FAV... Playstation or Xbox
Is Kaliyah Single?
What does Kaliyah like to do when she's bored?
Stare into space or just stay quiet the whole time.
wHeN iS kAlIyAh'S bIrThDaY?
sEp. 23
What is my FAV dogs or cats?
How many sisters does Kaliyah have?
Does Kaliyah like running?
wHaT iS kAlIyAh fAvOrItE fAsT fOoD rEsTaUrAnT?
Who's Kaliyah's Favorite PE Teacher
Coach Smith But It used to be Coach Caft:(
What is Kaliyah's FAVorites? choose 2
A) Dancing
B) Singing
C) Playing Instruments
D) Watching TV
A) Dancing
B) Singing
Who's Kaliyah's Girl Bestfriend
Madison Nicole Alston
Kaliyah's favorite PE game?
Capture the flag
wHaT iS kAlIyAh'S fAvOrItE aNiMaL?
a cHeEtAh
Who's Kaliyah's Mini Me?
Kennedy J. Coleman