Area of inner ear where utricle and saccule are located
gland in eyelashes that may produce styes
ciliary gland/gland of Moll
parts of the diencephalon
epithalamus, thalamus and hypothalamus
NT runs as these in PNS and CNS
Nerves and tracts(respectively)
scalenes, external and internal intercostals and diaphragm function in ?
"Ear drum"
Tympanic membrane
part of eye producing gritty secretions
lacrimal caruncle
area where CSF is found surrounding the brain
subarachnoid space
number of spinal nerves
31 pairs
muscle group that counteracts the movement of the prime movers
Hairlike structures that allow perception of sound and balance
gland in eyelids producing a secretion that keeps them from sticking
meibomiam/tarsal gland
organs of the CNS
brain and spinal cord
name a plexus of the PNS
cervical, brachial, lumbar or sacral
increase in muscle mass
ossicles of the middle ear
malleus, incus and stapes
mucous membrane covering eye
specific tissue of the perineurium
name of area in the middle of spinal cord that is lined with ependymal cells and what is the substance inside it
central canal
term for large, long or wide muscle
latae, latissimus, magnus, major maximus or vastus
organ for auditory sense embedded in cochlea
spiral organ/organ of corti
official term for eyelid
where is CSF created in the CNS
ventricles(lined with choroid plexus) and central canal(lined with ependymal cells)
what pathway leads away from spinal cord and what pathway leads to the spinal cord
efferent and afferent(respectively)
why does the face have the ability to be so expressive
epimysium fused with dermis/hypodermis