Cell Theory & Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Domains & Kingdoms
Levels of Organization & Biotic and Abiotic
Thermal Energy & Patterns
Potential and Kinetic Energy
True or False. Organisms are composed of one or more cells.

True, organisms are made up of cells. A cell is the smallest living part of an organism.


What are the 3 domains?

Eukarya, Eubacteria, and Archaebacteria.


Explain how a plant can interact with an abiotic factor in its ecosystem.

A plant, which is biotic, interacts with water, soil, and sunlight. Those 3 factors are considered nonliving, or abiotic and they help the plant grow.


Heat transfer or Thermal energy has a pattern that always moves from....

Hot to Cold

Warm to Cooler


Where is potential energy found on a ramp?

At the highest point.

Difference between prokaryote and eukaryote.

A prokaryote does not have a nucleus and eukaryote does have a true nucleus.


Which of the domains contain Animalia, Plantae, Protista, and Fungi?

The Eukarya domain contain these kingdoms because their cells have a nucleus.


What is the difference between biotic and abiotic factors?

Biotic are living and Abiotic nonliving.


If there is a pot of boiling water, please explain how that has conduction.

Conduction would occur at the rubber handle or metal portion of the pot. The rubber handle is an insulator, while the metal a conductor.

Where would the maximum kinetic energy be found on a ramp?

At the lowest part right coming from the highest point.


A prokaryote because it does not have a nucleus.


Which of the following kingdoms contain organisms that are always autotrophs?

Plantae, Animalia, Bacteria, or Protista.

Plantae kingdom consists of organisms that are always autotrophs (make their own food).

Give an example of how biotic and abiotic factors interact (help) each other.

Any student response.


If you go camping and roast marshmallows, how is radiation taking place?

Radiation takes place in the fire.

Where would the greatest amount of potential and least kinetic energy be found?

At the highest point, top.


This is a eukaryotic cell because it has a nucleus.


The characteristics of a living organism are listed below.

Organism Characteristics

  • Autotrophic or Heterotrophic

  • No organized nucleus

  • Reproduces asexually

  • Does not live in extreme environments

In which kingdom should this organism be classified?

Eubacteria, they are PHAUNA!


List the levels of organization starting with organism.

Organism, Population, Community, and Ecosystem.


If there is a bottle of kool-aid that is at room temperature of 72 F and is placed in the freezer with air temperature of 32 0 F, how will thermal energy transfer?

It will transfer from the bottle of kool-aid to the air temperature until both reach the equilibrium, the same temperature.


Where does kinetic energy increase but potential energy decreases?

Once the cart starts going down the coaster, it starts increasing in kinetic and decreasing in potential.

A student is doing a lab and notices a round structure in the middle of the cell. What type of cell can it be?

A eukaryotic cell because it has a nucleus (round) structure in the middle.


Which of the following kingdoms would be protista?

Kingdom 4 because they can be anything in terms of chacteristics.


What is a community in terms of levels of organization?

A community is made up of different populations, for example, cats, humans, and plants.

Explain how convection occurs when it is warmed up in a boiling pot.

The warm water will rise to the top of the pot, while the cool water from the top will sink to the bottom and this will continue in a cycle.


Can you ever get rid of energy? Why or why not?

No, because energy cannot be destroyed, it only transforms/changes to other forms. Example, from potential to kinetic.