The major tenant of the Kois Philosophy
What is to decrease risk/improve prognosis
Dr. Andrew Hinkle graduated dental school in this year.
What is 2011
The average adult has this many teeth
What is 32
This company is designing our new website
What is Golden Proportions Marketing
This is the office phone number for Dr. Feeney
What is 703-821-4040
consider this as a diagnosis when a patient reports the feeling of pushing their lower jaw back to close
What is Constricted Chewing Pattern
What is 1979?
The hard, mostly inorganic, outer surface of teeth
What is enamel
This is our current review/referral generating software
What is envision stars
This is the brand of chocolate chip cookies we serve in the reception area
What is Otterbein's
The percentage of people who are true grinders.
What is 8%
The number of Doctors who have worked at Hinkle Dentistry?
What is 6?
This is the major muscle used for chewing
What is the massester muscle
This is the name of our accounting software
what is xero
When evaluating for sleep apnea you can ask the STOP BANG questions. STOP stands for
Observed apnea
Pressure (High blood pressure)
These are the two categories/sources of erosion on teeth.
What are intrinsic and extrinsic?
By mileage, this team member has worked (full time) in dentistry the farthest from McLean, Va.
Who is Alyssa
The 'hanging' piece of soft tissue at the back of the throat is called
What is the uvula
This is the goal for number of New Patients per month
What is 13
This is the number of Upper cabinet doors in the morning huddle area
What is 5
Wear on teeth caused by foreign body contact is known as
What is abrasion
The original slogan on Hinkle Dentistry.
What is 'Keep Smiling with Dr. Hinkle'
This cranial nerve innervates all of the teeth
What is the trigemminal nerve.
On Mondays, per the template, new patients should be scheduled at this time on the doctors schedule
What is 2pm
This is the number of phone lines the office has
What is 4?