Adjective: makes you feel happy, usually because other people are being kind:
heart warming
This will make you feel better. This will _____ your spirits
stand up for yourself
There are not many jobs in ______ people have to write by hand
attractive or unusual and therefore noticed
eye catching
apprenticeship - when - would - I - I - an - like - serve - to - school - leave
I would like to serve and apprenticeship when I leave school
get the opportunity to start working in a particular field
get a foot in the business
______ most common situation is where people type everything they write.
used to describe a situation that makes you very unhappy because you think it will never improve
She's so sad. She's feeling _____
enrol - going - I - at - when - finish - am - school - to - university - I
I am going to enrol at university when I finish school
clearly visible because you are near
under the nose
Some people predict that in the future writing will only ____ understood by a few experts.
extremely impressive, exciting or shocking
mind blowing
I've been feeling a bit sad. I've been feeling ____
interested - footsteps - am - I - in - anyone's - following - not
I am not interested in following anyone's footsteps
expect you to always be there and don't value you enough
take you for granted
Not everybody would agree that good handwriting is the best evidence ____ which to base the decision to employ someone or not.
very frightening but often exciting at the same time
hair raising
Things are looking positive for the future. Things are looking _____ for the future.
overcome - two - setbacks - or - in - one - life - have - I - my
I have overcome one or two setbacks in my life
have just enough money to survive
make ends meet