Making light of dark situation and turning into a joke
This style avoid conflict, neglects their own needs, and feels inferior to others.
Cultivate an attitude of ________.
The only requirement for membership is __________.
The desire to stop drinking/using.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse has called drug addiction a ______ disease.
We defend our actions with false logic and irrational reasoning
This style intimidates others to get what they wants, causes conflict, and is insensitive to other peoples feeling or wished.
Take what you need and ____________.
leave the rest
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
Step 11
All drugs of abuse act on a part of the brain called the VTA, which is part of the _______ pathway.
we are quiet and withdrawn as a means of manipulation/attention seeking
This style is indirect with feelings, won't talk about what is really bothering them and feels resentful and looks for revenge.
To keep what you have, ____________.
you have to give it away
What is the 7th tradition?
There are no dues or fees for membership
The most commonly used sedative is ______.
Making up excuses and plausible explanations as to why we drink/use.
This style is able to tell people how they feel without putting anyone down, is direct and honest, willing to compromise and feels respect for others and themselves.
It's a simple program, __________.
For complicated people
Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
Step 6
___________ withdrawal can be more dangerous and life threatening than
we are outwardly agreeable while being inwardly rebellious
Give an example of an assertive statement.
I think....I feel....I would like it if....We would both benefit because...
keep coming back.....
it works if you work it
Each group has but one primary purpose --
to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.
Psychedelics work by stimulating certain ________ receptors.