If you are calling someone mean names online it is considered?



What information about yourself is it OK to share online? 1. Phone Number 2. Plans 3. Address 4. Favorite Color

4. Favorite color


True or False: People on the internet may use nicknames or a fake name so you can never be sure of who they are



What is the internet?

A worldwide system of computer networks.


What is cyberbullying?

The use of electronic communication to bully a person.


Does María need permission from Frida to post a picture of her on Facebook?

Yes. You must get permission from someone in order to post a picture of them online.


Is it ok to talk to someone online you have never met in person?

No. You should not talk to someone online you do not know in person. People you don’t know online are strangers.


Is it ok to download an unknown file to your computer?

No. An unknown file could be a computer virus.


If someone sends you mean text messages, what should you do?

Do not respond to them, and block the person from your cellphone.


True or False: Once you post a picture online, you can not take it back.

True. Even if you delete the picture later on, it will stay in the internet cloud so it’s never really gone.


Caroline walked up to Carla during lunch time and pushed her. She also told her she was stupid and ugly. Is this cyberbullying?

No. Cyberbullying is only through electronic communication, this is bullying.


What is a computer virus?

A computer virus attacks your computer and makes it "sick”. It makes it slow, and you would probably need to get a new computer.


A website tells you that you won a trip to Los Cabos and asks you to click on the link to claim your prize! What do you do?

Do not click on the link, as this could be a virus.


Copyright can be with music too? True/False?



If I get Selena Gomez's new song from soundcloud and download it to my phone is that okay?

No. It is considered copyright and it’s illegal.


What are two ways people communicate using the internet?

Email, instant messaging, chat, video chat, social media, blogs, pictures.


Bullying is okay when playing a video game because its just a game, right?

No. What you say can affect how someone feels whether it’s a game or not.


If you copy and paste someone’s investigation and make it look as your own, it is?

Copyright, and it is illegal.


You are on a website and they ask you for your phone number to enter a contest for a free iPad. Should you give them your phone number?

No. You should never give your phone number to a website you are not sure is safe.


Can a virus destroy your computer?

Yes, a virus can permanently ruin and destroy your computer or could be very expensive to get fixed.


Name a way to keep your personal information safe?

Keep your social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram private.

Do not give out your email, address, phone number, full name, school, social security number to anyone online.

Only talk to people you know in person online.


If you put an inappropriate picture online when you are young how can it affect you when you are older?

In future jobs, members of clubs, family, society, and many more.


What are two reasons that someone might cyber bully?

They want to feel powerful

They are insecure

They are jealous

They were previously bullied themselves.


What should you do if someone posted mean comments on your Instagram?

Block the person, tell and adult, have proof of the comments by taking screenshots, report them to Instagram. 


List 3 things other than your name and birthday that are considered personal and private information.

Your address, phone number, school, male/female, age, parents names.