True or False: The Bible was written by God
False - the Bible was written by humans inspired by God / the Holy Spirit
Bible means biblia. Biblia means?
Isaiah 40:8
The book for this citation
True or False - all the stories in the Bible are historical
False - there are many types of stories that are not historical in the Bible, such as parables and psalms
Your teacher's name
Mrs. M
The 2 Main Divisions of the Bible
The Old Testament and the New Testament
Sacred Scripture is another name for what?
The Bible
Isaiah 40:8
The chapter for this citation
Name 2 types of genres or literary forms used in the Bible
Short stories Parables
Letters Apocalyptic Literature
Traditional Stories Psalms, Poems, Songs
Our teacher's aide's name
Mrs. Gill
True of False - the Bible is one book
False - the Bible is made of 73 books
The Word of God written by humans acting under the Holy Spirit's guidance and inspiration - and ... another name for the Bible
Sacred Scripture
Isaiah 40:8
The verse number for this citation
True or False: Funny stories written by God are in the Bible
False - God did not write the Bible
She worked to make convents better and wrote new rules based on God's Word in Scripture
St. Teresa of Avila
True or False: Bible stories were passed down orally from generation to generation before God inspired human authors to write them down
True - the Bible was written over a period of 600 years and it covers more than 4000 years
The process by which God makes himself known and is sourced from Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
Divine Revelation
Isaiah 40:8
The book, chapter, and verse number of this citation
Book is Isaiah
Chapter is 40
Verse number is 8
Poems and prayers that were once sung are in this Book in the Bible
Book of Psalms
Naomi's 2 daughters-in-law
Ruth and Orpah
The number of books in the Bible
God's Word to the Church, safeguarded by the Apostles and their successors, the bishops, and handed down verbally to future generations
Sacred Tradition
The format for all Bible citations
Book Chapter:Verse
The type of literature that describes the destruction of evil and the coming of God's Reign
Apocalyptic Literature
A 4 step process to incorporate the Bible into your daily life
Lectio Divina