Living Systems
Scientific Investigation
Earth/Space Systems and Cycles
Force, Motion, Energy, and Matter
The Mix

A fungus is found growing on dead leaves on the forest floor. The fungus is an example of--

a. decomposer

b. carnivore

c. predator

d. producer

a. decomposer

Which unit is best to use to measure the distance a runner would cover in 30 seconds?

a. mm

b. cm

c. m

d. km

c. m


Which of these best explains why sun is not visible at night?

a. The moon blocks the sun from view.

b. That side of the sun faces away from Earth.

c. The sun stops creating light at night.

d. That side of Earth faces away from the sun.

d. That side of Earth faces away from the sun.


One way in which light waves are different from sound waves is that light waves--

a. can move through empty space

b. are caused by rapid vibrations

c. travel more slowly

d. can be reflected

a. can move through empty space


Which part of the cell is necessary for producing food? (use the image to answer)

a. cell membrane

b. vacuole

c. chloroplast

d. cytoplasm

c. chloroplast


During pollination, pollen is transferred from a stamen to a--

a. petal

b. stem

c. sepal

d. stigma

d. stigma


What is the mass of the rock shown?

(use the image to answer)



What most likely happens as the plates slide past each other in a sliding plate boundary?

a. a mountain forms

b. an earthquake occurs

c. the ocean floor widens

d. magma comes to the surface

b. an earthquake occurs


When stirred together, which two substances make a solution?

a. salt and sand

b. sugar and salt

c. sand and water

d. sugar and water

d. sugar and water


A student rubbed a plastic comb with a piece of wool cloth and then placed the comb near a stream of water. The water bent toward the comb as shown because of -- (use the image to answer)

a. thermal energy

b. static electricity

c. magnetism

d. gravity

b. static electricity


Which plant part develops into a fruit?

a. flower

b. stem

c. leaf

d. root

a. flower


A student is investigating the time it takes for different objects to reach the ground after they have been dropped. The constant in this investigation is-- (use the image to answer)

a. time to reach the ground

b. distance to the ground

c. weight of each object

d. object being dropped

b. distance to the ground


Which of these is an impact made by humans?

a. Marble being dug from a rock quarry.

b. Marble forming from sedimentary rock.

c. Oceans drying and exposing limestone.

d. Limestone forming from shells and ocean animals.

a. Marble being dug from a rock quarry.


The greater the frequency of a sound wave, the--

a. lower the pitch

b. higher the pitch

c. softer the sound

d. louder the sound

b. higher the pitch


The plants are most likely responding to which factor in the environment? (use the image to answer)

a. light

b. water

c. oxygen

d. carbon dioxide

a. light


Which of these animals is classified as a vertebrate?

a. snail

b. snake

c. butterfly

d. ladybug

b. snake


Identify the data shown for the unknown substance as either quantitative or qualitative.


gold color

weighs 20.5g

greenish black streak

about 4 cm2

sinks in water

hardness of 6.0-6.5

Quantitative: weighs 20.5g, about 4cm2, hardness of 6.0-6.5

Qualitative: gold color, greenish black streak, sinks in water


Lobster pots are used by fishermen to catch lobsters in shallow water. In which area of the ocean would commercial fishermen most likely place their lobster pots?

a. on the bottom of an ocean trench

b. on top of a mid-ocean ridge

c. on the continental slope

d. on the continental shelf

d. on the continental shelf


Compounds: carbon dioxide, sugar, ?

Elements: oxygen, silver, iron

Which material correctly completes the list?

a. Gold, because it is a shiny metal

b. Salt, because it is made of two types of atoms

c. Nitrogen, because it is gas in the atmosphere

d. Carbon, because it is part of many different molecules

b. Salt, because it is made of two types of atoms


High and low tides on the coast are caused mostly by--

a. underwater earthquakes

b. the gravity from the moon

c. storms over the ocean

d. the tilt of the Earth

b. the gravity from the moon


Which of these is an example of a behavioral adaptation?

a. a cow that has flat teeth

b. a squirrel that has buried acorns

c. a fish that has scales

d. an owl that has soft feathers

b. a squirrel that has buried acorns


Based on the mineral identification table, which mineral belongs in square X of the flow chart?

(use the image to answer)



Ocean Food Chain

Phytoplankton --> White Shark --> Fish --> Seal --> Animal-like Plankton

Which pair of organisms need to switch places for the food chain to be correct?

White Shark and Animal-like plankton


Which pair of colors is in order from the longest wavelength of light to the shortest wavelength?

a. green, orange,

b. yellow, red

c. violet, blue

d. red, violet

d. red, violet


A student made a track for a toy sled using 4 different materials. At which section of the track is friction most likely to cause the greatest resistance to the motion of the toy sled? (use the image to answer)

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

b. 2