
What two things are introduced in the exposition of a fiction story? 

Characters and setting


What is the difference between a fact, an opinion, and a commonplace assertion? 

A fact can be proven.

An opinion is someone's thoughts or feelings about a topic, cannot be proven. 

A commonplace assertion is a widely accepted opinion that cannot be proven. 


Identify the difference between the most common types of figurative language: simile and metaphor. 

Simile = comparison using like or as

Metaphor = comparison not using like or as


Define the claim and the counterclaim in a persuasive text. 

Claim = author's opinion on a topic

Counterclaim = author's attempt to disprove the opposing viewpoint


The stage directions are normally written in what two text styles? 

Either in parenthesis or italicized


When choosing the best summary of the text, what things do you need to include?

Details from the beginning, middle, and end. Also the main idea. 


A lot of nonfiction/expository texts include some kind of text feature such as a picture, a map, or a graph. What purpose does this serve for the text? 

It allows the reader to visualize or put into perspective what the text is about. For example, in the benchmark the Nile River text had a map of where the Nile River is located. It allowed students have some reference and prior knowledge while reading. 


Read this information about the origin of the word perennial. 

From Latin per- meaning "throughout" + annus meaning "year"

This information helps you determine that the word perennial means--

A. not measurable

B. highly desireable

C. not easily avoided

D. continually present

D. continuously present


By using 1st person POV, how does it make persuasive text more convincing? 

They are talking about their personal opinions about a topic which allows you to learn more about the narrator. Their intentions are clear and give reasons. 


How could stage directions show character traits?

They can show character motivations, body language, tone, aspects about the character's appearance, etc. 


What is the difference between the main idea of a text and the theme of the text? 

The main idea is the subject or the focus of the text. The theme is a lesson learned from the text or the moral of the story. The main idea will be specific to ONE text whereas the theme could be applied to many texts (think file cabinet). 


When you combine your prior knowledge with the text, what does it allow you to do? 

It allows you to make an inference. 


Why would an author use personification in a poem?

To help readers better relate to the nonhuman characters. 


Read the origin of the word superficial. 

From the Latin super meaning "on top of" and facies meaning "face"

Based on this information, what does the word superficial mean? 

A. not known

B. unexpected

C. undervalued

D. without depth

D. without depth


Explain the difference between tone and mood.

Tone is how the author wrote the text and what emotions they are conveying. For example, if the character yells we can assume they are angry. 

Mood is how the reader feels. For example, if it is set in a creepy setting with suspense building the reader may feel scared or anxious. 


In fiction texts, authors like to include sensory or descriptive language. What is the purpose for including those descriptions? 

To help the reader visualize parts of the story (characters, setting, etc.) so that the reader is more interested. 


What are the five different ways that an author could organize a nonfiction text? (Text structure)

Compare & contrast, cause & effect, problem & solution, description, and sequence. 


Identify what alliteration is then explain why a poet would use it. 

Alliteration is the repeated consonant sound at the beginning of words. (Sally sells seashells by the seashore)

An author uses it either to help the poem flow (rhythm) or to show emphasis on certain words. 


What is loaded language?

Loaded language is when the author uses emotionally charged words (either really positive or really negative) to make the reader feel a certain way. 


Why would a playwright present the play all in one scene?

All of the action occurs in one play over a short amount of time so the message of the play can be conveyed in a shortened text. 


There are 3 kinds of 3rd person POV: omniscient, limited, and objective. Why would an author choose to use each of them? 

3rd person omniscient: To allow the reader to hear multiple sides of a story. This allows you to not be bias towards one specific character.

3rd person limited: To allow the reader to connect with the main character. This allows you to understand their thoughts, emotions, and motives. 

3rd person objective: To allow the reader to make their own inferences. By just stating events, readers have to infer emotions and motives. 


Read the sentence and determine the meaning of the word "retinue"

Miraculously, the tsar was uninjured, but many in his retinue were not as lucky. 

A. eyes

B. injuries 

C. people

D. entourage

D. entourage


What type of poem has three lines- the first with 5 syllables, the second with 7 syllables, and the third with 5 syllables.



Define the following words for persuasive texts:

1. Refute

2. Premise

1. Refute means to prove wrong or to prove another answer correct 

2. Premise is the base of a person's argument, the main idea of the claim. 


Irony is usually used to create ________ within a play.
