This person was born and raised in Los Angeles, California
Who is Rosalia or Rosie
The place we played underground
The residence hall we slept in each night
What is Whitis Court
This counselor was an engineering student
Who is Abraham
The color of your Code@TACC shirt
What is grey (or charcoal) shirt with a blue logo or blue to pink logo
This person previously worked as middle school teacher
Who is JoonYee
What was the first dinner we had together?
What is Raising Cane's or Chipotle
We went to this place to buy snacks while expecting more and paying less
What is Target
This counselor was a business major
Who is D'azhane
The color of the lanyard you received for Code@TACC in 2018
What is blue
This person graduated with a Mechanical Engineering Degree
Who is Dawn
The name of our breakfast spot close to our residential hall
What is Littlefield Patio Cafe
The residence hall for Code@TACC checkin and check out
What is Duren
This counselor banged the hardest in the morning for wake up calls
Who is Lourde
Which counselor had the shortest hair
Who is D'azhane
This person always made sure we had the best snacks at TACC
Who is Valori
What is RLM or Painter Hall
The floor of the oversized chess game at the Austin Central Library
What is the third floor
This counselor was preparing to attend med school.
Who is Viviana
This UT place served cold cereal and has a salad bar
What is J2
This instructor has to gadgets and is prepared for every disaster
Who is Je'aime
This was our transportation from UT's main campus to everywhere. (hint we need the number)
What is Capmetro 803 bus
This place serves ice cream sandwiches
What is Moojos
These counselors spoke Spanish
Who are Abraham, Matias, Lourde, and Viviana
Name all the counselors from 2018
Who is Matias, Lourde, Abraham, Darrina, D'azhane, Viviana, and Kiara