Explain the procedure for entering the classroom.
Turn and Talk: What was the best part about your summer?
Each team member who remembers something about the person to their right will get points.
What are my favorite colors?
Purple and green
What kind of music do I listen to most?
Do you know how you are going to be leaving the school today? Do you know your bus number?
If yes, give me a thumbs up. If no, let me know at the end of class.
Explain the process of packing up and getting ready to leave the classroom.
Turn in work.
Give back any borrowed item.
Pick up any trash around you.
Gather your items.
Line up at the lockers and wait to be dismissed.
Each team member who remembers something about the person to their left will get points.
What do I need to function everyday?
COFFEE and lots of it
Do I take my coffee with creamer or not?
With creamer
*Bonus if you can guess the specific flavor.
Which way should you turn out of this class to get to the next class?
What should you do when you first get into the classroom?
Check the screen for materials needed for the day.
Get out only what's needed and put everything else into the cubby at the front of the desk.
Begin your Daily Grammar Practice.
Turn and Talk: Describe your favorite family member.
Each team member who remembers something about anyone at their table will get points. (You have to choose someone knew though.)
How many children do I have?
Where does my husband teach and what does he teach?
Here at WMS. 7th grade social studies.
What class period do you go to lunch with?
Class 3
What should you do when you need the restroom?
How many people are allowed to be out of the classroom at once?
Put your name on the bathroom list (silently) and wait until you are released to go.
Only one may go at a time.
Turn and Talk: What is your best memory of elementary school?
To earn points, one person must stand up and share a short version of two of their team members memories.
Who is my favorite Avenger?
Would I rather have sweet or salty snacks?
Probably sweet but I love popcorn.
Which side is the best side?
Westside is the best side. Go Huskies! (WOOOOO!!!)
*Double Points if you can say it like Mr. Smith from the morning announcements*
Where can you always find the information needed for the day?
On the smart board.
Turn and Talk: What are you most looking forward to this school year?
To earn points, one team member must stand up and share something from each team member.
What do I like to do in my spare time?
- Spend time with my family.
- Read books
What is my favorite soda?
Diet Coke or Dr. Pepper