True or False?
The teacher asks you to put your phone away and you quickly send a snapchat before putting your phone away.
A few seconds wouldn't hurt anybody and putting it away a few seconds later is still doing what your told, even if it isn't right away.
True or False?
Because you were focused on your game, you forgot to study and didn’t do very well on a test. Your teacher asks you to stay after school to make it up and you decide to make up the test and show up to practice late.
Obviously, you wouldn't want to risk being out of the next game so you blow off the test retake to go to practice. You would rather take a zero then spend any extra time in school.
True or False?
You have a substitute in your class today and you friends begin to fool around in class to annoy the substitute.
This is the one time we actually get to have fun in class so of course we are going to make the subs life difficult. It doesn't matter anyways because the teacher won't ever find out with the fake names we gave the substitute.
True or False?
You are invited to a study group over the weekend, do you but you decline and study at home by yourself.
Let's face it, we are definitely not going to study anyways because we are lazy so might as well enjoy the night with friends.
True or False
The best time for completing homework is five minutes before the bell rings.
As students, we don't have any time to do homework over the weekend because we are to busy with social media and Netflix so we have to do it right before school starts. Besides, its fun to see how far along we can get before the bell rings.
Students who wait till the last minute to do their homework because they don't feel like doing it after school.
What is procrastinating?
Finals week is coming up, but there is also a big game this weekend. You decide to skip out on studying.
What it going to the game and hoping you know the material for the test?
Students are given an assignment and work in groups. One of the groups is laughing about a picture on Twitter.
What is talking about funny memes?
Students are given a group project and get to choose a partner. The students pick people they like to talk to.
What is choosing to work with your friends knowing you won't get any work done?
At the end of the Trimester, you realize you have missing homework assignments. You don’t feel like making it up.
What is not caring?
The teacher allows you to use your phone during class, so you ___ on your phone
(research the assignment or play iMessage games)
play iMessage games
Fill in the blank
You have an important game tonight and a lot of homework. You decided you ___ do your homework before the game.
(Would or wouldn’t)
Fill in the blank
When in class, your top priority is to ___.
(Joke around or Do you work)
Joke around
Fill in the blank
The teacher is giving a lecture to the class. Meanwhile You are___.
(Making Faces at your friends or paying attention)
Making faces at your friends
Fill in the blanks
To complete a homework assignment, you ____.
(Read the questions carefully or Look the answers up online)
Look the answers up online
The other students are watching a video about a topic discussed in class, do you..
A) Watch the video to understand the topic more?
B) Take notes to prepare for upcoming test on subject?
C) Think of questions to ask once video is over?
D) Do you put your head down and play video games under your desk instead?
D) Do you put your head down and play video games under your desk instead?
Your coach decided to extended practice due to the big game the next day, do you…
A) Stay up an hour later to do homework?
B) Stay for the whole practice and hope that your teachers will not give you a bad grade for not doing the assignments?
C) Ask your coach to leave early to do homework?
D) Do your homework in the car after practice?
B) Stay for the whole practice and hope that your teachers will not give you a bad grade for not doing the assignments
The teacher has asked you to get back to work, do you…
A) Talk back and continue to do what you want?
B) Move your seat because you are being distracted by friends?
C) Do as your told and get back to work?
D) Apologize for misbehavior?
A) Talk back and continue to do what you want
During a test, do you…
A) Annotate the questions and answer them fully?
B) Double check answers for any mistakes?
C) Quickly eyeball at your friends test and see if you have the same answers?
D) Pick the best answer on multiple choice?
C) Quickly eyeball at your friends test and see if you have the same answers
You have a project assigned and it due next week, do you...
A) Quickly throw the project together the night before it's due?
B) Work on it for a long time to complete it faster?
C) Divide the work between group members?
D)Spend a bit of time each day to complete it?
A) Quickly throw the project together the night before it's due
How does this relate to student life?
After 7 long hours of school, we don't feel the need to see our friends in person for even longer. It's way easier to text them from the comforts of our own home.
How does this relate to student athletes?
Who needs school when you are a sports star? It doesn't matter how well you do in school because some day you will be playing for an all-star team. The talent will hide any lack of intelligence.
How does this relate to Students?
This is a perfect representation of us drowning in loads of school work and life outside of school. We can't seem to handle it so we end up crashing.
How does this relate to student relationships?
To us, its funny that the teachers think they are accomplishing anything when they move our seats. One way or another we are going to find a way to talk to our friends whether they like it or not.
How does this relate to Student life?
Students use their resources productively to help them succeed in school. The internet is super helpful for getting homework done quickly so they can go back to watching TV! Plus, who needs to learn when google can give you the answers?