Being on time, attending, being prepared, using time wisely
How do I show RESPONSIBILITY in the classroom?
Eat my lunch; watch the time so I'm ready to go when the bell rings
How do I show ENGAGEMENT in the cafeteria?
Walk to the right side of the hallway; be a positive example to others
How do I show SUPPORT in common areas?
Use during my five minute break; wash my hands; use bathroom for its purpose
How do I show INTEGRITY in the bathroom?
Use technology for classwork and assignments; report safety concerns for inappropriate use
How do I show RESPONSIBILITY when using technology in the classroom?
Taking responsibility for my actions and choices; asking for assistance when needed
How do I show INTEGRITY in the classroom?
Clean up my space where I've eaten; remind or help others do the same
How do I show SUPPORT in the cafeteria?
Be aware of others (someone may have stopped to tie their shoe); use appropriate voice level; be aware of the time - I have 5 minutes passing time
How do I show ENGAGEMENT in the hallways and other common areas?
flush the toilet; wash my hands; throw trash away
How do I show RESPONSIBILITY in the bathroom?
Maintain social and emotional honesty; use technology to enhance academic honesty
How do I show INTEGRITY when using technology in the classroom?
Encourage others, ask for help, follow my teacher's directions, organize my space (my "stuff's" not spread all over into the other person's area)
How do I show SUPPORT in the classroom?
Wait in line patiently; use my lunch time for eating; clean up my area; monitor time
How do I show RESPONSIBILITY in the cafeteria?
Keep my hands & feet to myself; walk to the right; be on time to class!
How do I show RESPONSIBILITY in the hallways and other common areas?
Use bathroom during my break time
How do I show ENGAGEMENT in the bathroom?
Use electronic devices for educational purposes; positive posts; encourage others
How do I show SUPPORT when using technology in the classroom?
"Mr. Thomas, I understand what you're telling us about that battle, but why didn't they just ..."
What trait is the above student showing by asking this question?
"Get the F@&%K out of my way! I'm hungry!"
What trait is the student above NOT showing?
"Whew! Didn't know if she'd give me a bathroom pass or not but she did! Now I can go meet my friend out in the lobby to ask about tonight."
What trait is the person above NOT showing?
"DANG! Someone made a terrible mess in here. That's not fair that Mr. Don has to clean this up. I'll go report it and ask if he'd like me to help."
What trait is the above student showing?
I know I'm supposed to have my phone turned over on my desk. In fact, the teacher even gave me Phoenix Bucks for doing so! However, she's not looking and I REALLY want to finish my game ...
Which trait am I NOT showing?
Any of these three answers is acceptable
Be an active learner; remain focused; attend class daily and get there on time!
How do I show ENGAGEMENT in the classroom?
Take the appropriate amount of food; be polite to staff; use appropriate language
How do I show INTEGRITY in the cafeteria?
Use appropriate language for the school setting; have a hall pass if it's not regular passing time; go where I'm supposed to be going
How do I show INTEGRITY in the hallways and other common areas?
Keep bathroom clean; be a positive example; report graffiti or damage to the office
How do I show SUPPORT in the bathroom?
Stay on task with assigned course work; utilize technology to contribute to academic success (calendar, research, etc.)
How do I show ENGAGEMENT when using technology in the classroom?