Important People
Important Groups
He was the last King of France before the French Revolution, who led France into debt, partly because of his spending habits.  

Who is Louis XVI?


They were the working class in France before the French Revolution. They consisted of peasants, laborers, shopkeepers, merchants, etc.

What is the Third Estate?


This type of ruler has unrestricted political power over the state and its people. An example is Louis XIV.

What is an absolute monarch?


This instrument was used for execution during the french revolution

What is the Guillotine? 


He was a french general who became emperor of the French (1769-1821) 

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


She was the wife of Louis XVI and was executed for treason.

Who is Marie Antoinette?


Formed by the people of the 3rd estate; represented the people, not the estates; replaced the General Estate.

What is the National Assembly?


This group replaces the General Estate; represented the people, not the state; made up of the 3rd estate

What is the National Assembly?


This was an excessively violent period of time during the French Revolution under the rule of Robespierre

What is the Reign of Terror?


Series of conflicts led by France under the control of Napoleon, which almost resulted in France completely taking over Europe.

What were the Napoleonic Wars?


He was the first emperor of France and conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


Group led by Robespierre; the most radical and ruthless political group formed during the French Revolution. "Kill our enemies."

What is the Jacobins?


These were the three ideas of the French Revolution

What is "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity"?


This was a group of 12 men who decided who was an enemy of the state; those who were, were executed; passed a law of censorship

What is the Committee on Public Safety?


A deal between the United States and France where the U.S. bought Louisiana from them for $15 million dollars in 1803.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


He led the Jacobins and played a part in the Reign of Terror.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?


Different groups of French citizens, made up of the First Estate, Second Estate, and Third Estate.

What is the General Estate?


This was an intellectual and philosophical movement during the 17th to 19th century; questioned tradition with reason

What is the Age of Enlightenment?


This was the storming of a prison; happened on July 14, 1789 also the start of French Revolution

What is the Storming of the Bastille?


This was Napoleon's final battle; the English and the Prussians defeated him. 

What is the Battle of Waterloo?


He chaired the Congress of Vienna and proposed 3 goals that would lead to stability in Europe.

Who is Prince Klemens von Metternich?


One of the last governments during the French Revolution, which turned out to be unsuccessful and was overthrown by Napoleon.

What is the Directory?


An agreement between the National Assembly to creating a Constitution

What is the Tennis Court Oath?


This was a document which established rights for males based upon Enlightenment ideals

What is the Declaration of Rights and Citizens? 


An international conference that was called to create balance among the European powers and to maintain peace and stability.

What is the Congress of Vienna?