Evolution & More
Fossils & More
Adaptation and More
Isolation and More

What is evolution? 

Who researched and established the theory of evolution?

Evolution is the gradual change in a species over time.  

Charles Darwin- 20 years solidifying his ideas.


What is a fossil?

Fossil is the preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past.


What is a species?

Species is a group of organisms that are physically similar and can mate with each other and produce offspring that can also mate and reproduce.


What is adaptation?

A behavior or physical characteristic that allows an organism to live successfully in its environment.

Ex. Darwin noticed the beaks of birds were different from island to island due to the bird's diet.  The birds needed to adapt to the environment to survive and reproduce.


What happens when a community becomes isolated from the rest of its species?

Often a new species will form.


Which period was the start of plants?

In which period did plants that could grow in drier areas evolve?

Silurian period (plants that grew low to the ground). 

Devonian period.


How are fossils formed?

Most fossils are formed when organisms that die become buried in sediments.  Sediments are particles of soil and rock. When a river flows into a lake or ocean, the sediments that the river carries settle to the bottom and hard after many layers to become sedimentary rock.


What are variations?

When members of a certain species differ from one another in many of their traits.  Ex. certain insects may be able to eat foods that other insects avoid.  This characteristic gives the insect an advantage over most insects in their species.


What is selective breeding?

A process of choosing a few organisms with desired traits to serve as parents of the next generation.

Ex. Darwin studied selective breeding in sheep to produce fine wool and which pigeons when mated would produce most feathers.  


How can a community be seperated from the rest of its species?

By a river, volcano, or mountain range.  Even an ocean wave can sweep up one species into the ocean and carry them to an island.  This may have happened to species on the Galapagos Island.

Which era were atmosphere, oceans, and continents formed?

Precambrian Time.

What is punctured equilibria?

Accounts for the gaps in the fossil record.  Species evolve quickly during relatively short periods.  These periods of rapid change are separated by long periods of little to no change.


What is cross breeding?

The mating of two difference animals that are different breeds, but within the same species.


What is overpopulation?

When there are too many organisms in an environment for the resources available. Living things need variations, natural selection, environmental factors, genes, and competition to prevent overpopulation.


What is a branching tree diagrams?

Shows the relationship between groups of organisms. Shows the order in which specific characteristics may have evolved.


What is competition?

Since food and other resources are limited, the members of a species must compete with each other survive.  Competition does not always include physical fights between members of a species.  Instead, competition is usually indirect.


What is gradualism?

A hypothesis scientists have that may explain how rapidly species change.  Gradualism proposes that evolution occurs slowly but steadily.  Tiny changes in a species gradually add up to big changes over time.


What are mutations?

Alterations to an organism's DNA.  They can cause disease and conditions, but they are also a tool in evolution.


What is natural selection?

The process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than other members of the same species.  Darwin identifies factors that affect the process of natural selection: 1) overpopulation; 2) variations; 3) competition


What are archaeopteryx animals?

Lived during the Jurassic period.  Name means "ancient winged things."


What is an evolutionary relationship?

Scientists make inferences about evolutionary relationships by comparing how different species develop before birth.  Ex. during early development, all vertebrates have a tail and rows of tiny slits in their throats.  These similarities suggest that vertebrate species share a common ancestor.


What are homologous structures?

Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor.  Ex. the front limbs of dolphins, dogs, and birds are arranged in a similar way, which provides evidence that all three animals originated from a common ancestor.


What is DNA sequencing?

DNA is the sequence of nitrogen bases.  Scientists have combined the evidence from DNA, protein structure, fossils, early development, and body structure to determine the evolutionary relationship among species.


What is artificial selection?

Also called "selected breeding" where humans select desirable traits in produce or animals, rather than leaving the species to evolve and change naturally, without human interference (natural selection).

What present day animal do scientists think evolved from dinosaurs?
