Film References
Song lyrics questions
Humor questions
Quotes/Proverbs Questions
Art References

*Burp!* "Better out than in I always say." This state of water is most often found as vapor.

What is gas?


"Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh." This state of water will leave you drenched!

What is liquid?

Why so salty? This element is used to disinfect water.

What is chlorine?


A healthy person has a thousand wishes, but a sick person only has one—to get well. This disease is mostly contracted by drinking contaminated water.

What is Cholera?


The Great Wave Off Kanagawa captures a moment where 97% of earth's water is located.

The Ocean


"Let it go, let it go!" Without this icy solid state, water would escape between your fingers.

What is frozen?


"Here comes the sun, doo-dun doo-doo." This method disinfects water using radiation.

What is ultraviolet water purification?


Two is company, but three is a crowd. These elements make up the water molecule.

What are hydrogen and oxygen?


"Life is a garden. Dig it." You can not dig up this kind of water but it can be used for consumption.

What is potable water?


Girl with Tear by Roy Lichtenstein illustrates an abstract woman shedding a tear. Which has a higher concentration of salt. A tear or a saltwater drop?

What is salt water?


If Charlie Chaplin drank these types of untreated waters he would feel very funny.

What are greywater and blackwater?


"Slide to the left, Slide to the right, Reverse, reverse!" This treatment pushes water through a membrane to remove unwanted molecules.

What is reverse osmosis?


The Blue Man Group didn't come from here, but the San Antonio River does.

What is The Blue Hole?


"As the evening sky faded from a salmon color to a sort of flint gray, I thought back to the salmon I caught that morning, and how gray he was, and how I named him Flint." This type of water is a mix of both fresh and salt water.

What is Brackish Water?


Steven Tyler would reclaim the night at this water treatment facility.

What is Steven M. Clouse Water Recycling Center?


Eureka! This piece of equipment used to lift sludge to a higher elevation in a WRC is named after the same Greek mathematician/physicist who became famous for his discoveries about buoyancy.

What is the Archimedes Spiral?


Heeead, shoulders, knees and toes! This “aromatic” portion of a WRC is where inorganic solids are removed from the plant’s influent.

What is the Headworks?


This chemical compound is used to remove residual chlorine from disinfected water.

What is Sulfur Dioxide?


If you don’t boil that river water on your camping trip before you drink it, you may catch this waterborne illness.



“A triple threat” in show business is someone who can sing, act, and dance. The Steven M. Clouse WRC could be considered a treatment “triple threat” as it produces these three products for reuse.

What are Water, biosolids (fertilizer), biogas (methane)?


“Don’t just pack it – Wear your [life] jacket!” The aerobic bacteria in these WRC tanks break down organic matter using oxygen in the form of bubbles. However, all this air decreases the density of the fluid so much, some say you wouldn’t be able to swim in it.

What is the Aeration Basin?


“Around and around and around we go” These items are infamous for their ability to clog toilets and cause plumbing problems - even the ones that are labelled “flushable”

What is Wipes?


Oh, settle down! These tanks found in WRCs use gravity to remove large solids at the beginning of the treatment process

What are Primary Clarifiers?

Waste water treatment plants treat their outflowing water to create this.
What is treated effluent water?

“Under Pressure… Dun Dun Dun Dun-Dun Dun Dun” These types of wells don’t need any pumps to flow thanks to their elevation relative to their supplying aquifer. 

Artesian Wells