what is transcription?
it is when segment of DNA is copied into mRNA.
what is a mutation?
a change in the genetic material
what is the differences between transcription and translation
Transcription is the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template. Translation is the synthesis of a poly-peptide chain from an mRNA template where the code in the mRNA is converted into an amino acid sequence in a protein.
what is genetic drift?
variation in the relative frequency of different genotypes in a small population.
what is the process of transcription
it is when all the information in the DNA is put into the mRNA (enzymes unzip DNA, nucleotides pair up, enzymes check work and re-zip DNA)
is a mutation random?
true or false
what are four Nucleotides
adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and uracil
what causes genetic drift?
Genetic Drift. ... Random drift is caused by recurring small population sizes.
what does tRNA mRNA rRNA stand for
transitional RNA, messenger RNA, and ribosomal RNA
in humans, what age does fitness stop at?
age 40
what does the tRNA do
the transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules carry amino acids to the ribosomes during protein
What are two ways genetic drift can occur?
The smaller the population, the smaller the subset of potentially successful gametes, and the more likely that genetic drift will occur.
what does the mRNA do
mRNA contains codons that are complementary to the sequence of nucleotides on the template DNA and direct the formation of amino acids through the ribosomes and tRNA (it brings the messages from the DNA out of the nucleus)
is mutation harmful?
it can be - most mutations end in cell death - some are cause disability - few cause benefits
what does the rRNA do
it helps make poly-peptide chains
Why is genetic drift important?
it reduces the amount of genetic variation in a population. And with less genetic variation, there is less for natural selection to work with.
if you did not have transcription what would happen
you can't make poly-peptide chains
do fitness and survival have the same meaning?
NO, they are not the same.
what is the product of transcription
The product of transcription is RNA
What is the major effect of genetic drift?
Genetic drift can cause allele frequencies to change at random. Genetic Drift can lead to a loss of genetic variation with populations