How did Edmund discover Narnia?
He was following Lucy to make fun of her.
"A door from the world of men. I have only heard of such things." Who said this and what does it suggest about human presence in Narnia?
The queen, Jadis. Humans have been in Narnia before.
Why did Peter decide to tell the professor what was happening? What did this demonstrate about Peter's character trait?
He thought he could write to their father is something was wrong with Lucy. He was responsible/smart.
"Make it Pax" meaning
Let's call a truce
State three physical features of the white witch.
-face was white, red mouth
-covered in white fur with crown and wand
-beautiful, but stern, cold, proud
"She got him to tell her that he had one brother and two sisters, and that one of his sisters has already been in Narnia and had met a faun..." What would be the consequence of Edmund's actions?
The witch would arrest Mr Tumnus for fraternizing with humans and turn him to stone for treachery.
Consider the Professor's response, "How do you know that your sister's story is not true?" Why do you think the Professor's response is unexpected? And why do you think he so easily believes Lucy?
He believes the house is "strange" and even he knows very little about it; "I should not be at all surprised if this other world has separate time..";He may have known about the wardrobe all along; there were a lot of strange stories about the house that caused tourists to even come and view it.
The queen promised Edmund that he would be prince.
What were the size the reindeer?
The size of Shetland ponies-small.
Who was driving the sledge? Name and size.
The three-foot dwarf, Maugrim
How did the Witch contradict what Lucy thought about the faun?
She said that "Fauns will say anything" and would have said nasty things about her.
How did the adventures begin for the second time?
The children were hiding from Mrs. Macready and ended up hiding in the wardrobe.
Susan is the eldest of the children.
When she saw the Faun, Lucy screamed, causing
him to drop all the parcels he was carrying.
How did the writer highly the difference in characterization between Edmund and Lucy upon entering the wardrobe?
Lucy was smart and Edmund was foolish. He locked the wardrobe door behind him.
Why didn't Edmund tell the truth about Narnia?
He did not want to admit that Lucy has been right all along, and he did not want the others to to be on the side of the fauns.
Why did the children hide from Mrs. Macready?
She did not like children.
The faun is half-man, half-horse.
2. The Queen had heard of:
(A) magic wardrobes
(B) a door from the world of men
(C) children who caused trouble in Narnia.
Ans: B
Why did Edmund venture off into Narnia instead of turning back?
He was looking for Lucy. He wanted to call a truce.
Edmund 's decision to be dishonest is bringing out which theme?
Deception, Betrayal
What important subject did the professor say students must learn in schools?
The text is called a C_________ A_________.
Christian Allegory