The daily dollar limit for MB Deposit Basic
What is $2,000
The cut-off time for transfers posting at 2:30 PM
What is 2:00 PM
12:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM
What are the times that transactions are updated on bellebank
Specializes in ACH, wires, accounts payable, and supplies
Who is Connie Panek
The text command used to obtain an account balance
What is "B" for balance
The individual responsible for determining the mobile deposit level
Who is the account officer
Transfers posting at 6:15 PM
What are transactions between 2:00-6:00 PM
[Supported] Smart Phone users can access mobile banking without entering a password but instead using one of these two features
What are facial recognition and touchID
Started with TPB in 2000 and helped open the Dillons location
Who is Dave Cronister
The text command used to deactivate all TPB text services
What is "S" for Stop
The internal email group to contact when authorizing mobile deposit for an account
What is bookkeeping/operations
Transfers that will post next business day
What are transfers that occur after 6:00 PM
Shorthand for online banking
What is OLB
Attended high school in Cheney, KS
Who is Marie Houtwed
The text command used to receive a summary of recent transactions per account
What is "H" for history
The mobile deposit indicator shows up on this individual's CIF on AS400
Who is the person which online banking is registered under
Customers can make this number of free transfers from savings per month
What is four
TPB will cut a check from a customer's account and mail on their behalf to any vendor
What is bill pay
Greets customers when they walk in the bank and is the grandparent of Tyler and Benjamin
Who is Dorene Reeves
What is the text alert number
Signature matching name on account, Account # (or minimum of last 3 digits), and "For Deposit Only"
What are the endorsement requirements for Mobile Deposit
An application used by Operations and New Account Representatives to access customer's online banking
What is FXIM
You can refer to this job aid for additional online banking support
What is the laminated handout provided at Knowledge College
Has a Chesapeake Bay Retriever named Deuce
Who is Mark Pike