What is the Hematocrit test?
It diagnoses sickle cell anemia.
What does DNA stand for?
Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
What is Anticodon?
A triplet of nucleotide bases in transfer RNA that identifies the amino acid.
What is the monomer of a protein?
Amino Acid
What is the defining feature of sickle cell disease?
Sickle or C shaped blood cells.
What are the Nitrogenous bases in RNA?
Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Uracil
What is Anemia?
A condition in which blood is deficient in red blood cells in hemoglobin.
What is a Protein?
A three dimensional polymer made of monomers of amino acids
What are Leukocytes?
White Blood Cells
What Is Transcription? Where does it occur?
It uses DNA as a template to make an RNA molecule. It occurs in the nucleus.
Nucleotides are?
The building blocks of nucleic acid.
What is the building block for proteins?
Amino Acids
What is Blood Plasma?
The pale yellow fluid portion of whole blood
What is a triplet code of mRNA called.
Transcription is?
The synthesis of RNA on a DNA template.
How is protein formed?
Within a protein multiple amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds.
What are the effects of Sickle Cell?
Very bad pain in the body?
What is a Mutation? How does it happen?
A rare change in the DNA of a gene. It can be caused due to stress.
What type of cell division is used to create identical daughter cells?
What happens when a protein is deformed?
A mutation