Questions about the whole of The United Kingdom

What's the capital in England?

The capital is called London


What's the capital in Wales?

The capital is called Cardiff


What's the capital in Ireland?

The capital is called Dublin


What's the capital of Scotland?

The capital is called Edinburgh


A country in the United Kingdom has a wierd National animal. What animal am I thinking of? And which country has this animal?

A unicorn and the country is Scotland


Name atleast 3 famous people from England...?

For example: Elton John, Harry Styles, David Beckham, J.K Rowling, Daniel Radcliff, Eric Clapton


Wales has a national sport. But which sport is it?

Rugby is their national sport 


What color represents Ireland? And Ireland has a symbol that they wear from time to time, which symbol is that?

The color is green and the symbol is a shamrock


What is Scotland's most symbolic instrument?

The Bagpipe


This country is famous for having a lot of national parks. Which country is it?

The country is Wales

This is where the Crown Jewels are housed and the place has become famous for many executions  and imprisonments. Elizabeth the first was a prison here for two months.

The tower of London


How many national flags does wales have? And how can you describe the flag or flags? 

Wales have two flags, the ordinary with the dragon on it but they also got the St:Davids flag which looks like the swedish flag but with different colours. 


A holiday was created in Ireland that we celebrate all over the world. Which holiday is it and what do we do on this specific holiday?

The holiday is Halloween and we usually dress up in scary costumes and knock on doors, and say trick or treat. 


What is the name of the traditional clothing that men wear in Scotland, and what's the name of the womens clothing?

Men wear a kilt and women wear a Tartan


Without this country we wouldn't be able to watch tv on a Saturday night. Which country invented the television? 



What's the name of the famous British music group which is spelled the same as insects?

The Beatles

Wales got 3.2 million inhabitants. But they have alot more of an animal. Which animal do they have more of than people? And about how many more of this animal do Wales have compared to people?

The animal is Sheep. And they have double the more sheep than people. Around 5-6 million sheep.


Ireland has two national sports. What are the sports called and what is so different about them?

The two sports are called Hurling and Gaelic Football. The sports are different because they play football with their hands and the game of Hurling is like american football but you play it with a stick and a small ball. The sports is combined with other sports.


Why does the Scottish flag have a cross in their flag?

Hint: Something to do with Jesus

The saint was crucified like Jesus, that's why they have the cross.


Around 84% of all the people in the United Kingdom lives in this country



The English people has found a place that was build 3000 years B.C. The place is made out of stone and some say that it was used as a calendar. But what is the name of this place?



Pulling the sword out of the stone is a famous fairy tale and it has something to do with the Welsh flag. The sword was called excalibur. Explain why the story has an impact to the welsh flag.

Hint: It has something to do with a king

King Arthur and the wizard Merlin was fighting with a red and a white dragon. And after the fight the red dragon survived according to the myth and that's why it's in the flag


Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom. Which year did they become self independent and why?And which currency did they change to?

In 1922 after the war with the british government. They change to Euro


The Scottish new years eve is something special. But what is it called? And what do the people in Scotland do on this day?

New years eve in Scotland is called Hogmanay and the people of Scotland is walking in a torchlight train into Edinburgh or other big cities.


Name some of the typical attractions that you can do in every single country in the United Kingdom. The right attraction to the right country


Scotland - Castles and landscapes

Wales - national parks and landscapes

England - Stonehenge

Ireland - castles and landscape