States in the international System
International Organizations and Law
This is the condition of the world involving networks of interdependence at multi-continental distance.

What is globalism? 


What is the central IDEA of History?

What is interpretation, Debate, Evidence, and approaches?  


To become a state they must have these 4 characteristics. 

What is a population, a defined border, a government, and international recognition? 


This theory believes states are the key actors, security is key in the international system, institutions represent the interest of powerful states, and states won't give up power.

What is realism? 


These countries have veto power on the UN SC. They are the winners of World War 2, and the only permanent members of the SC. 

Who is the United States, China, Russia, France, and the UK. 


This explains why there has been a decrease in poverty around the world. 

What are technology and Capital?


This approach to history views the past as unalterable and just focuses on what happens. They say that historians can overcome bias by reflection and self-criticism. 

What is the Scientific Approach?


This term is defined as a group of people that are all the same living in the same region.

What is a nation?


This theory sees institutions as key actors, and it believes states act to keep long term cooperation and interdependence. 

What is liberalism? 


True or False you need a consense to have a resolution passed in the General Assembly. 

False, however, they do shoot for a consense because the resolutions are non-binding so they like to have 100% agreement. 


This theory explains how societies go from traditional to modern societies.

What is modernization theory? 


This view of history says that historians can shape the way we see the past. Critiques the Scientific way because it says that they manipulated the sources. 

What is revisionist? 


This is a government that governs people who all identify the same way.

What is a nation-state? 


This theory has shared norms as the key actor. Actors act in self-interest but they will also protect shared norms and beliefs. 

What is construtivism? 


This type of UN resolution requires consent from both parties involved, and it is a method to keep countries honest during an agreement. 

What is peacekeeping? 


These are the 4 changes in the Modern era because of globalization. 

Stretching activities, intensifying interdependence, Speeding up diffusion, and impact deepening of these 3. 

Si Si. 


This view of history sees that it will always be biased, and being objective is impossible because everyone has an interest in telling their story. 

What is postmordernism? 


The United States puts missiles in Turkey, and normally Turkey wouldn't allow missiles there. The US has what over Turkey? 

What is Power? 

The right to exercise power is called..........

The right to enforce power is called...........


Civil War is a symptom of a Failed State, and there are two reasons a state could fail due to civil war what are they?

What is Greed due to economic incentives emerge when a side has control over resources. Resource Curse? 

What is Grievance due to divisions that exist between various identities. Ethnic Conflict?  


According to Hurd, IGOs embrace three views at the same time. Actors, Fora, and Tools. What are they? 

Actors are entities with varying degrees of independence with social recognition and capacity for action. Fora are places in time and space for meetings that facilitate deliberation among members. Tools are political resources for states to use for a variety of purposes. 


In this view, they believe that globalization is due to capitalism and technology. They think the state is losing power, and IGOs are gaining power. They see power is held by Markets and cooperations. 

Who are the Hyper-globalist? 

Bonus. Name and describe the other two.


Unrelated to history what are the three principles to self-help?

What is states will use their own resources, protect their sovereignty and act in their own interest?


Russia is putting missiles in Cuba to protect Cuba from the United States to prevent an overthrow. Russia is providing what for Cuba?

What is Security? 


After decolonization, colonies gained sovereignty without power, and this resulted in unstable states. What is this called?

What is False Sovereign? 


The ICJ is made up of 15 judges (each of the P5 has one) and hears two types of cases. What are they? 

What are Contentious issues- forms binding ruling, and requires consent from both parties? 

What are Advisory opinions which interpret international law?